Fabric Pots


Well-Known Member
Anyone using fabric pots? I recently started using them and I love em. My question is, what do you do with the roots that grow out through the bottom and the sides? Do you just cut em off?
The whole point of the fabric pots is that the roots will grow out to the sides and then once emerging will hit air... and the air prunes that root for you. There is no need or desire to cut the roots who try to emerge... nature is going to take care of that for you.. those roots will not go very far, and then inside the bag where you can't see, that root splits into two roots at that point.
I use plant elevators that bring them up 1-1/2” from my saucer. That way the bottom never sits compressed in water. And air pruning from the bottom occurs!
i use larger river rocks in my drip tray so my bags never sit in the water and the roots have no desire to go out of the bottom.
Any coming out the bottom will probably survive in the holding tray, which in itself can cause its own set of problems.
This is my concern. The ones coming out the very bottom are starting to turn brown.
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