Favorite munching Chip: Potato or Corn?


New Member
Which do you prefer to munch on when blazed? potato chips or corn-based chips. Doritos, fritos, tostitos and even cheese puffs are corn based chip-like products. Then again: extra-crunchy Kettle cooked potato chips are good too. Say you awaken from a breif aside in your dreamland and you find yourself in Quick Check with only $1.00...what do you get? U think I was high when I wrote this?
Whatever sunchips are unless Baked Lays are availible, the potato. I don't really like traditional potato chips or corn chips.
When you are stoned, the best snacks are the ones you can find immediatly. :allgood:
cheetos puffs = good munchie

ruffles with ranch dip = the best munchie
i dont really like regular potato chips unless they are the really thick and gourmet so im gonna have to go with corn

good guacamole with some tortia chips is ridiculously good
Starburst sours. I eat them things like candy. Worst munchie? a buddy in dorms was ripped as shit:smokin: and wanted macaroni. no big deal but he had no milk or butter, so he used peanut butter. "Well it had 'butter' in the name!"
the all new "Macaroni and cheese AND peanut butter."......yum:hmmmm:
Flamin hot cheetos, doritos, cheetos, fritos, pringles, lays, and gardettos.
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