Federal legalization, does anyone even care anymore?

420 Warrior

Well-Known Member
So, now that there's a hand full of states with legalized recreational Cannabis use and the fact that the media has started recignizing the blunders of believing so deeply in the propaganda of the past, it seems to me that the going consinsus is that the fight is now over somehow.

I have to ask the questions, are we really satisfied with only taking it half way and giving up? Are we really not going to collectively pitition the US government to reschedule when we've come so far and gotten so close to the initial objective? Is California, Colorado and a couple of other states the only places in this country we're ever going to fight for to keep people safe from incarceration for a plant? Where have all the truely passionate and compassionate people gone lately? Are we really trying to convince ourselves that the fight is somehow over?

Living in a state like Georgia or any other oppressed state where prison time is still a reality for recreational Cannabis use, it's a hard pill to swallow in thinking that we may never be able to get away from the fear we face daily and that we may never see a day where we can have the freedom to get away from Black market purchasing.

I have to ask again, are we done fighting just because a few states got what they wanted or are we going to stay vigilant and see it through to the end? Let's not kid ourselves, we're so close but still, so far away!
Five months after legalization at the federal level here in Canada, many are starting to realize that was just the first milestone. Lawmakers here have tried to establish control from seed to weed. You must buy your seed, or clones from licensed producers through licensed internet and retail outlets. In many of our provinces those outlets are government run. Another major issue that is come up is pardons for simple possession prior to legalization.

I encourage you to fight for legalization, but warn you that this is only another milestone on your journey. There will be more battles to fight before the war is won.
Yeah, I can totally understand that issues would have to be hammered out in a post legalization world but the fact would still remain that no one would be incarcerated anymore for a God given plant that's never killed a sole in history.

Like any other new concept in history, there are always unforseen issues that have to be addressed and solutions developed for and Cannabis legalization would be no exception.

Look, when cars were a brand new thing at the turn of the century, there were no traffic laws to speak of and no stop lights or signs or anything giving people any way of navigating their new motorized vehicles safely but over time and a bunch of trial and error people figured out solutions to making things safer as long as people fallowed the guidelines and laws properly.

No one is disputing that a new concept of legalization of Cannabis on the national level wouldn't have it's trials and errors at the beginning and that rules and guidelines would have to be established for sure. No one should be so inept as to thinking there wouldn't still be allot of issues to find solutions for but the fact is and always remains that not one more person in this country should ever go to jail again for simple possession of a plant and that's what I'm fighting for with every fiber of my being!

The first thing we've got to do is get Cannabis legalized for adult possession and consumption and then we can take on any issues that come up one at the time and I think we're all aware that things will need to be done to set rules and guidelines so that we are all safe and responsible with it.
I feel like any state that has privatized prisons will be the tough ones to crack. it's huge industry in the US and making weed legal really hurts business. and business has been so good. Ugh.
I feel like any state that has privatized prisons will be the tough ones to crack. it's huge industry in the US and making weed legal really hurts business. and business has been so good. Ugh.
Ahh yes totally forgot about privatized prisons... most people don’t understand that the states that do this sign a contract with these prisons and have to maintain a certain percentage of cells populated, and some contracts have it written soo that if the population in the prison falls under X% for X number of days then the state starts getting fined and can turn out costing more than if the state had run the prison on their own... is sickening that there’s incentive to put more people in jail for it to cost the states less.....
Seems like there's allot of southern states with privatised prisons come to think of it, no wonder the Bible belt is such a hard nut to crack, on top of it all then you've got hard line Churches road blocking at every turn too.

If I've said it once I've said a thousand times, it's going to take every single Cannabis user from all walks of life, like it or not, scared or not, getting off their asses and fighting for it! We have got to flood the powers that be with a tidal wave of letters and petitions until they eventually just cave under the pressure!

The question I have is how do we get so many people, most of whom live in fear, all standing together and mobilizing as one voice for Cannabis reclassification and legalization for adults like alcohol and tobacco?

It's disheartening to know that there are tens of millions of Cannabis users in this country that could be making it happen but only a small hand full of us in the grad scheme of things that are actually willing make our voices heard. Why? Everyone wants it and knows it's the right thing to do but so many people seem to be waiting for someone else to fight their battles for them. That's why we're so close, but yet so far away today...
I would actually LOVE to become a pro cannabis activist, but I'd lose my benifits. I'm a disabled veteran who is now completely dependant on my VA benifits to survive. Because of physical and mental illness acquired on my deployment, I am no longer able to work. The federal government terminates veterans benefits for vets breaking federal law. I always speak up for cannabis and its medicinal properties. Often times to anybody that will listen, but I gotta stay off the radar or I will lose everything. I'll just have to keep my efforts local and off the grid.
live In a state activity working on legalizing recreational. Sadly the owners of medical grow and dispensaries are already lobbying against allowing citizens to grow any plants.
Of course they are. It all comes down to greed. I think that after federal legalization, big corporate interests will control cannabis, and all us little guys will be forced back underground.
Seems to me the African Americans have some considerable experience standing up to stupid, ignorant , bible thumping mouth breathers. Ask. Talk. Unite. Stand together. This could become an issue to help bring together americans at a time when others threaten to tear it apart. But just my opinion and i dont know nothin bout nothin.:peace:
The only true way to make a difference guys, you need to contact your state representative and ask them to submit a bill for complete legalization and if they are not willing to do so in their name tell them you want to submit the bill per your name... get your friends to call them as well, the more attention and heat they get about the issue the more likely they are to push it... tell everyone to get out and vote on this stuff... soooo many issues get swept under the rug at the voting box simply because soo many people could care less to participate in the voting process.. getting online and getting pissed off about it not being legal doesn’t solve the problem, be active, be heard and don’t exaggerate the truth because the truth is what will win... I have convinced a 70something year old Vietnam vet who was against pot like the plague to try CBD cream for his arthritis and in less than 2 weeks he stopped getting cramps in his hands and no longer has to wear a special brace on his hand and now his wife uses it for her back and they bought a case of the stuff and push it on their friends now, educate people on the positives and they will do their own research and come to light, this is the ONLY way we will win my friends...
The only true way to make a difference guys, you need to contact your state representative and ask them to submit a bill for complete legalization and if they are not willing to do so in their name tell them you want to submit the bill per your name... get your friends to call them as well, the more attention and heat they get about the issue the more likely they are to push it... tell everyone to get out and vote on this stuff... soooo many issues get swept under the rug at the voting box simply because soo many people could care less to participate in the voting process.. getting online and getting pissed off about it not being legal doesn’t solve the problem, be active, be heard and don’t exaggerate the truth because the truth is what will win... I have convinced a 70something year old Vietnam vet who was against pot like the plague to try CBD cream for his arthritis and in less than 2 weeks he stopped getting cramps in his hands and no longer has to wear a special brace on his hand and now his wife uses it for her back and they bought a case of the stuff and push it on their friends now, educate people on the positives and they will do their own research and come to light, this is the ONLY way we will win my friends...

Exactly! There isn't a thing in the world anyone can do to you for signing pititions, writing your reps and voting on issues. I used to be aprihensive about getting involved myself but after many years now of doing this and being involved in Cannabis activism, I've realized that their is nothing illegal about it. You can speak your mind about anything you firmly believe in and there's nothing anyone can do about it legally or otherwise, it's the American way and it's what makes this country great! We're all constitutionally protected against reprisal for speaking out! It's beautiful!!!
Legalization at the federal level should happen if for no other reason than to protect people’s health. There’s a lot of products floating around that are genuinely not safe to consume. The only way to solve that problem is to regulate and establish FDA type standards. I understand this takes a lot of legacy mom/pop growers out of the business and market, but it’s necessary. Every time I see a new undercover report in CA it makes me cringe because it’s always really really bad - mold, pesticides, chemicals that turn to a variation of cyanide when heated, high concentrations of butane and alcohol, mislabeled products, etc.. And that’s not reefer madness, it’s legitimately dangerous products.

Although a majority of the products containing these issues are coming from unlicensed delivery services and/or shops, that part is often left out and instead framed into a news story with a title like, “what’s really in the weed you’re buying from dispensaries?” - which is reefer madness.

I hope things get legalized at a federal level.
Even with legalization there will always be arseholes who use gawd-knows-what to produce weed and others who will cut their product with gawd-knows-what to make more $$. Some people are just assholes.
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