

New Member
I've never made these but i made two with 1g in each i put it on 100% natural pb and put honey over the bud, could the honey make it less potent?
lol have funn bro tell us how it goes
it was a waste i used shitty penut butter, it was 100% from a dollar store so... but im actually really baked right now just ate some crackers fresh out of the oven with organic peanut butter from whole foods and it seems as if i'm already feeling euphoric
dude whats the feeling like?
^ Whenever I make firecrackers I ALWAYS end up falling asleep, of course it might be the extra bit of kief or hash I end up throwing in the mix. Edibles are a completely different high from smoking. Sometimes if I use a pure indica I get a weightless like feeling, like my body will be tingling for a bit, then after that its time for bed.
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