First real grow,for my brother

hi spike didn t even know you where growin lol seen you scoring my pics and just thought you liked the russians lol some real good work there mate well done look forward to you lucky weedtastic

thx weed I didn't know you didn't know .:peace::surf:

For the kind words and just the thoughts of thinking about us,I am just doing
what ever I can to help the family and Brother from hardship and pain,and since my little sis passed(bless her heart) its just the natural road to take
and do whatever I can to help and since getting good smoke really cuts them back or stops them alltogether its what I'm gonna do.THX much for your caring I believe I can feel your caring here in my heart right now.
And I am so proud of you getting such great plants going,I have always watched and read your post,so kind you are to everybody I just wondered is she gonna grow,and now you have and its neat.thank-you spike:thanks::surf:
My brother mover up north to my town from mo.because his seizures were out of control and were gonna kill him.we found 1 of the best medicines was smoke to relax him and his shaking would stop,all around good bro
has traumatic brain inj.(not from war)but from riding a harley- a nurse in a car jut switched lanes and took him out it was on 35w and they were going 60 or so.
Anyway that was 20 years ago but it is with him and the family all the time
he is on disability and cant afford smoke all the time,so I started learning and now its become alot of fun.
I started with 3 bag seeds he had and got some mg organic potting soil and I was off.I started looking at websites and saw I needed some soft wht. cfls.WENT TO HOME DEPOT GOT SOME STRONG 1S AND ALL 3 SEEDS WERE FEMALE.1 by 1 they were smoked alls they got were little red buds,he said much better then the original,so I talked to mom who lives net door she saw the diff. and gave me the use of credit card. thats when the fun started.
more later .

Sorry to hear about your brother man. That's a sad deal for real... I can kinda feel your brother's pain though to be honest dude. I too was on a motorcycle and almost killed. The doctors told my parent's I shouldn't even be alive... let alone be like I am.. and as "normal" as I am compared to people who have not ever had a brain injury. Long story short; I too had massive brain trauma from the accident. Only.. I was hit on the left frontal lobe area of my forehead. Which.. controls (i think it controls your moods and some other things.. I could have it mixed up with the right frontal-lobe area of the brain) but either way I shouldn't be alive and be able to function like someone who has never had a brain injury. Anyhow, if your interested in hearing my story bro let me know. I don't have enough space to type it here. Plus.. I really need to take my time typing my story... to let everyone read it and be able to understand how lucky I am.. and how miracles DO! happen every day. Take care bro, and if it helps any.. I'll make sure I keep you and your family in my prayers. About all I can offer to ya... hope its enough. :) TTYL bro.
Spike, when I hear that name what comes to mind is a PitBull with a big thick blacked spiked collar and if you put your hand out it will disapear up to about your elbow.. but knowing what you are doing I'll have to down grade my image, humm let's see..Okay the image that came into my mind was a big red heart with a spiked collar.
Make a nice tat..
It's a good thing you are doing.:cheer:
Your really doing a great thing for your bro. I'm glad all your hard work is paying off for him. Looks like were in the same neck of the woods. How are you liking all the snow we just got?
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