First Time Cannabutter!


New Member
So I just made cannabutter for the first time.

I melted butter in water and added the weed, I let it low-boil in the microwave for about 25 min. It's in the fridge solidifing right now. I'm gonna try some tonight. I'll let everyone know how it goes!

Also I'm drying the bud that I removed from the water/cannibutter with cheese-cloth - I'm gonna try smoking some of it to see if I got all the thc out of it.

OK here's an update. I just tried smoking the dried bud from the cannabutter. Not a smart choice. It tasted and smelled horrible, not to mention it was very very harsh.

I just ate a grahm cracker with some cannabutter on it. The taste wasin't all that good, it did have a strong weed falvor to the butter. For some reason I didn't like the taste of the cannabutter, even though I love the smell and taste of smoked weed. hmm.

Also, I used real butter. I know a lot of people use margarine and call it butter - so maybe that's what the recipe meant. who knows.
blowin.endo said:
dont use margarine for cannabutter
Good thing I didn't eh ;)
you can use margerine for making cannabutter.. I do it all the time.... and at least for me, it seems to "hit" more quickly and give a more intense experience. :smokin:

madamecrash said:
you can use margerine for making cannabutter.. I do it all the time.... and at least for me, it seems to "hit" more quickly and give a more intense experience. :smokin:

Sweet! That's good to know. So how do 'you' make cannabutter?
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