First Time Indoor Grow! Multi Strain


New Member
Hello everyone... This will be a sweet journal depicting my first ever indoor grow, First ever hydro grow, and first ever grow journal. Big thanks to Corey and BLUE PLANET NUTRIENTS for your support.
Ok so this is what I have going on.

What strain is it? Multi strains pics will be labeled
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Unsure will try and guess with your help
What percentages? See above
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Both
If in Veg... For how long? 4 weeks
If in Flower stage... Forhow long? 1 day
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Both mostly hydro DWC
If soil... what is in your mix? 100% Fox Farm ocean forest
If soil... What size pot? 5 gallon
Size of light? Veg 2x400 watt MH, Flower 1000 watt HPS
Is it aircooled? Flower yes, veg kinda
Temp of Room/cab? High low to mid 80s. Low mid to low 60s
RH of Room/cab? Try to stay around 40%
PH of media or res? 6-6.2
Any Pests ? Not currently
How often are you watering? Hydro is DWC, soil when it starts to dry out.
Type and strength of ferts used? Following BLUE PLANET NUTRIENTS schedule
Using Eliete Three Part + Liquid Blue Bloom Booster.

OK HERE WE GO!!!!:420:
Ok here are some pics of how I am growing.


This is my DWC for my veg room it is 2 3x3 trays on top of a 6 1/2 foot fiberglass res.
It holds 30 gallons of BPN nutrients solution.


This is a shot from in the veg res. Showing how the water pumps in both trays and drains back out I also have a pump in the res circulating it.


This is how I vent my veg room with 2x 400 watt MH that don't have vented hoods.


This is my 6 bucket 5 gallon DWC flower system there is a 7th bucket for maintenance.


This is my 100 watt HPSlight for flower it vents to my veg vent cause i only have 1 online fan


And here are my ladies!!!


This is White Widow I have 2 so this is WW#1 all my plants are 4 weeks in my care. I got some as small rooted clones and some like 12". This was like 12".




WW#2 same had her 4 weeks got her at about 10".




NYC Diesel had 4 weeks got her at about 10"


NYC Diesel


Sour diesel had her like a week and a half both diesel's had a rough transition from soil to hydro I got them from a guy who grows soil. The sour is just starting to come out of it. It should probably also be noted that I was using fox farm grow big hydro and big bloom untill yesterday. I believe BPN WOULD HAVE MADE THE TRANSITION EASIER.


Sour diesel


Grand Daddy Purple had her 4 weeks from a rooted clone she also had a rough transition.
Also got attacked by thrips that I got from my super lemon haze. That is dealt with now.


The purple tag says it all:thumb:


Afghan kush. I got this 4 weeks ago and it just took off so I put it to flower with BPN


Afghan kush flower day 1

And there you have it.

I'll post my dirt tomorrow and my mothers.

Also please note I was useing fox farm befor yesterday so any bad signs you see on my plants please don't attribute that to BLUE PLANET NUTRIENTS. :thumb:

Ok here are my soil side projects and my 1 mother plant that I won't have for long cause my white widow has shown its prone to powder mildew.


Super Lemon Haze I have three this is #1 these three are where I got my thrips and a couple mites from them or a wheelchair plant that I threw out. But I have since killed all the bugs. You might see some old thrip damage on some leaves in my garden though. Please comment let me know your thoughts.


SLH #1


SLH #2


SLH #2


SLH #3


SLH #3


This is my white widow mother I took a bunch of clones off her a like 2 weeks ago that's why she is so small. But I hear that mold is genetic and the widow and the afghan got it the afghan the worst but I took care of it with 1 application of PM WASH FROM THAT STUFF.


White Widow mother.

Well that's all my plants ill show my clones later. Please give me some feed back I love to hear from other growers. Thanks
Ok Mabe you guys will have somthing to say about my first successful cloning.:thumb:
I got 100% survival pretty sweet.


This is my tray I cloned in the tray till roots showed now I am flowing 1/4 strength BPN over them.


These have small amounts of roots showing so they get nutes over them.


Like this afghan kush clone all these are at 2 weeks.


And this 2 week NYC diesel.


Then when the roots are bigger I get worried about them getting to much light so i put them in these little pots. Both are white widow at 2 weeks.

Thanks for looking please comment. :peace:
powder mildew problems please help!!!

So I had powder mildew on a few plants, I checked around and found this.




I liked it cause its only water and it is safe to use up through the day of harvest.
I used it once like 2 weeks ago, and no more mildew. Pretty cool huh?

Well now its coming back in little spots like this.

I am just gonna spray again, but I would like to hear from you other growers out there.
What have you used, what works and what would you not recommend.

And does anything else work all the way through flowering?

Thanks everyone.
My ph rides pretty steady at about 6.
I don't have a ppm meter yet, I have just been changing my nutes weekly.
I just started with BPN, and I am hoping that if its a calcium deficiency like the ed rosenthal book has me thinking I hope it will just work it self out?

What do you think?
Re: powder mildew problems please help!!!

Well well well, first off, allow me to :welcome: you to the :420: community and as I can see, you are enrolling into the BPN Army


So I had powder mildew on a few plants, I checked around and found this.




I liked it cause its only water and it is safe to use up through the day of harvest.
I used it once like 2 weeks ago, and no more mildew. Pretty cool huh?

Well now its coming back in little spots like this.

I am just gonna spray again, but I would like to hear from you other growers out there.
What have you used, what works and what would you not recommend.

And does anything else work all the way through flowering?

Thanks everyone.
I already know your problem here, you are not using SNS-244 Fungicide Spray, it is been used by many people here on our site, I will be running the full line up of SNS and it is highly recommended. They are also a sponsor of ours so there more than likely will be a member discount.

:peacetwo: brotha, and again :welcome:

p.s. How would you like to be included in the BPN Army Blog? Let me know and I will process your deployment papers. :thumb:
Re: powder mildew problems please help!!!

Very Nice man, And Hey I was wondering If I should CLone one of mine, I have never done it before, I see how you and others have done it, Maybe I should take one early off mine and see where it goes, Cant hurt! But Hydro Is a whole new entity for me, I will try the soil thing get it perfect and then try that! Looks nice man!
Hey Welcome. It looks like you got things pretty dialed in despite the spots and mildew. Also welcome to the BPN Army, it's a great bunch of folks. If I was to hazard a guess I would say calcium deficiency as well. I had spots like that on my plants til I started using calmag and it cleared right up.

You are working with two strains that I would love to get in the future. The white widow and the nyc diesel. How are they to work with? Not into dwc but am using coco. So just curious...
My ph rides pretty steady at about 6.
I don't have a ppm meter yet, I have just been changing my nutes weekly.
I just started with BPN, and I am hoping that if its a calcium deficiency like the ed rosenthal book has me thinking I hope it will just work it self out?

What do you think?

I think you may be correct, it may also be lacking mag as well. Looking at the pics, some of the new growth isn't as green as I would like to see. I see you have members of the BPN army here, I am sure they can get you right with the nutes as I have no experience with them at this time. I do like what I read about them.

I will ask for some info concerning your base water, what ya got? I saw no mention of it in your opener. Hard, soft, acidic, alkaline, ppm? Did I miss it somewhere?

Great looking grow, nice selection as well. You have so much going on for you here, why no way to measure PPM?
Re: powder mildew problems please help!!!

Very Nice man, And Hey I was wondering If I should CLone one of mine, I have never done it before, I see how you and others have done it, Maybe I should take one early off mine and see where it goes, Cant hurt! But Hydro Is a whole new entity for me, I will try the soil thing get it perfect and then try that! Looks nice man!

Cloning is super fun brotha, and u Being inpatient like myself it give you a good diatraction.
I think the key to my sucess I soaked me cubes in humbolt tea "humtea" I get at my local hydro store. It has Micro organizims that's help the roots I guess.
Thanks for looking.
Hey Welcome. It looks like you got things pretty dialed in despite the spots and mildew. Also welcome to the BPN Army, it's a great bunch of folks. If I was to hazard a guess I would say calcium deficiency as well. I had spots like that on my plants til I started using calmag and it cleared right up.

You are working with two strains that I would love to get in the future. The white widow and the nyc diesel. How are they to work with? Not into dwc but am using coco. So just curious...

Hey thanks for the help.
The white widow is nice it grows very fast and made all realy strong.clones. but it and the afghan kush and the worst with the powder mildew.
The Nyc diesel is just starting to do better after being stunted or shocked from the switch from soil to hydro. The guy I got her from grows dirt. But ill let you know more as things progress.

I think you may be correct, it may also be lacking mag as well. Looking at the pics, some of the new growth isn't as green as I would like to see. I see you have members of the BPN army here, I am sure they can get you right with the nutes as I have no experience with them at this time. I do like what I read about them.

I will ask for some info concerning your base water, what ya got? I saw no mention of it in your opener. Hard, soft, acidic, alkaline, ppm? Did I miss it somewhere?

Great looking grow, nice selection as well. You have so much going on for you here, why no way to measure PPM?

I just use tap water it comes out at like a ph of 7 so I just add nutes and then it needs to come up a little bit to be right about 6.
I don't know the taps ppms cause I dont have a meter, due to lack of funds.
I am super broke all I have is either a homie hookup or a loaner to get me through. I need to save up and get a ppm meter what's a good one and what do they run $ ?
Then i will need advice on how to use the thing.
Hey thanks for the help.
The white widow is nice it grows very fast and made all realy strong.clones. but it and the afghan kush and the worst with the powder mildew.
The Nyc diesel is just starting to do better after being stunted or shocked from the switch from soil to hydro. The guy I got her from grows dirt. But ill let you know more as things progress.


You know, I had PM with my White Widow as well... I think WW is just prone to it...

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