New Member
Hello everyone... This will be a sweet journal depicting my first ever indoor grow, First ever hydro grow, and first ever grow journal. Big thanks to Corey and BLUE PLANET NUTRIENTS for your support.
Ok so this is what I have going on.
What strain is it? Multi strains pics will be labeled
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Unsure will try and guess with your help
What percentages? See above
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Both
If in Veg... For how long? 4 weeks
If in Flower stage... Forhow long? 1 day
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Both mostly hydro DWC
If soil... what is in your mix? 100% Fox Farm ocean forest
If soil... What size pot? 5 gallon
Size of light? Veg 2x400 watt MH, Flower 1000 watt HPS
Is it aircooled? Flower yes, veg kinda
Temp of Room/cab? High low to mid 80s. Low mid to low 60s
RH of Room/cab? Try to stay around 40%
PH of media or res? 6-6.2
Any Pests ? Not currently
How often are you watering? Hydro is DWC, soil when it starts to dry out.
Type and strength of ferts used? Following BLUE PLANET NUTRIENTS schedule
Using Eliete Three Part + Liquid Blue Bloom Booster.
Ok so this is what I have going on.
What strain is it? Multi strains pics will be labeled
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Unsure will try and guess with your help
What percentages? See above
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Both
If in Veg... For how long? 4 weeks
If in Flower stage... Forhow long? 1 day
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Both mostly hydro DWC
If soil... what is in your mix? 100% Fox Farm ocean forest
If soil... What size pot? 5 gallon
Size of light? Veg 2x400 watt MH, Flower 1000 watt HPS
Is it aircooled? Flower yes, veg kinda
Temp of Room/cab? High low to mid 80s. Low mid to low 60s
RH of Room/cab? Try to stay around 40%
PH of media or res? 6-6.2
Any Pests ? Not currently
How often are you watering? Hydro is DWC, soil when it starts to dry out.
Type and strength of ferts used? Following BLUE PLANET NUTRIENTS schedule
Using Eliete Three Part + Liquid Blue Bloom Booster.