Food for in ground plants

@Weekender , I guess it all depends on where you grow and the quality you want. Here I am able to grow 4 plants in my yard, not far to move “stuff” and I can tend them daily. No need for guerilla grows in this neck of the woods.
Hi there, so... yesterday I was following your recipe and I think I ran into some trouble. The soil is not even warm today, at least I think it is supposed to be warm right? The thing is, I don't know what I did wrong and if I even did something wrong, I have it in the basement(kinda moist and bit colder then it is outside).
Do you have any experience with such a thing?
@Daniack , how long has it been mixed for and is the soil quite damp?

Typically, it will take a few days to start heating and by the end of the first week should be getting quite warm.
Damn... I checked it today and it is cold. Do you know what could've caused this?
And I can fix it somehow? I think I don't have time for cooking another batch.
If you can, do a experiment! Try these other methods and also a plant with time release... I bet it will work fine if you make sure to use the proper amount and the soil is decent. CHeers, good luck! :yahoo:
Hi there, so... yesterday I was following your recipe and I think I ran into some trouble. The soil is not even warm today, at least I think it is supposed to be warm right? The thing is, I don't know what I did wrong and if I even did something wrong, I have it in the basement(kinda moist and bit colder then it is outside).
Do you have any experience with such a thing?
How much did you mix up at a time. As in, how many gallons or liters of soil mix are you working with at one time.

If you put the soil mixed with the amendments into one gallon (4 liter) pots you might not notice the increase in heat. If you put 10 gallon (40 liters) of the soil and amendment mix into one large container then you should notice it warming up. When I do it the soil warms up like when I pull the laundry out of the dryer as soon as it shuts off. It does not get hot like the hot water coming out of the faucet.

Your soil should have warmed up, as in pleasantly warm, within a day or two. My experience is that in about a week it starts to cool off a bit but takes a good 3 to 6 weeks to "cook: and be ready for using in individual pots.

Good luck.
Yes, once cold it is safe to use :thumb:
Funny. I've been reading since the beginning and following along.

I, too, mix up a super or living soil. My recipe is different from yours as though it contains all that yours contains it also uses kelp meal, azomite, epsom salts, bat guano, mychorrizae and a few other things I cant think of off the top of my head.

But mine has never heated up. And I've always planted my plants at the same time as mixing my soil up.

And yet everyone else has a different experience.

Weird, isn't it?

But you are getting good advice here, Danika.

All my best,
Funny. I've been reading since the beginning and following along.

I, too, mix up a super or living soil. My recipe is different from yours as though it contains all that yours contains it also uses kelp meal, azomite, epsom salts, bat guano, mychorrizae and a few other things I cant think of off the top of my head.

But mine has never heated up. And I've always planted my plants at the same time as mixing my soil up.

And yet everyone else has a different experience.

Weird, isn't it?

But you are getting good advice here, Danika.

All my best,

Its likely the amount of alfalfa I use that causes the extreme temperatures, it’s nearly 1/3 alfalfa which needs well composted before it can be used for 2 reasons:

1st obviously the heat

But secondly, as the micro herd is digesting the alfalfa, they use a lot of nitrogen depriving your girls of the much needed nitrogen.

Everything else I put in is in comparatively small quantities lol

I don’t use any guano, but do use Epsom salt and Mycos and Azomite, I just add the mycos and azomite to the hole before I plant.

There is actually enough nutrients in the alfalfa to grow nice healthy plants, all the rest just make the soil super rich :thumb:
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