Fungus gnat larvae Infestation!


New Member
are there other household methods or cheaper alternatives than potatoes/stickytraps? peroxide? cant afford anything over 10bucks but i wana at least have some control for now...

i use 5 dollar home depot soil... kellogg "all natural, organic potting soil"
ive read the larvae loves to feed on highly organic soils but can also feed on the roots...
i been careless and didnt take care of my fungus gnat issue quick enough with the pantyhose and perlite trick...
pots arent exactly dry... i discovered these after i watered my 4g pots with 1g water w/molasses and foxfarm stuff theyll love the molasses huh? shit....:straightface:

i have potatoes, plan on gettn sticky pads, but i also have a can of raid and ecosmart flying insect killer.... any use of these?
i am now in day 18 flower for these Hulkz. will this infestation screw me over?
i am also on a budget. super budget.

Re: fungus gnat larvae INFESTATION!!!

WOOOAAAAHHH!! I have never seen that many larvae at one time. You need to go to the store and get yourself some Gnatrol ASAP! It is all natural. You soak the top couple inches of the soil where the larvae live, and from what I understand there are bacteria in the product that are going to eat a hole through the larvae, killing them.

Hope this helps bro! But I don't think this is gona be a home remedy type of situation. You have a serious infestation going on. Good luck!
Re: fungus gnat larvae INFESTATION!!!

Also, the larvae only live in the top couple inches, so this shouldn't affect a fully mature plant. But I would get to killing those suckers soon. Find some Daddy Long Legs spiders and put them into your grow. They love the adult gnats, and with no adults, no larvae. You will get some webbing at the base of your plant, but it is not too sticky and they won't go near your buds!
Re: fungus gnat larvae INFESTATION!!!

wsup smokey! haha i dont think i can find any daddys in my house but dude that would be pretty dope huh... i got bugs watchin out for me from other bugs... tight... i like that idea actually i might look in to somethn similar...

im just now readn about the gnatrol and go-gnats stuff, still cant afford it.... i need a couple days for that at least..... still not sure about that... im outa get the sticky traps for now.... time to think a little too....
i think i saw those for sale at homedepot today with some other carnivorous ones..... like the venus i got over there...
theyre 5 each, if i got a few bucks ill grab a couple of em i think theyll work too
checkn out his grow now....

i found red ones.... read about em and they are clover mites if im not mistaken..... am i wrong? i couldnt smoosh it i kept pokin it with my finger and it just died..... no red smear at all.....

you think theyll get down? please let the orange ones eat the white ones! please! :surrender:
im such an idiot. theyre aphid larvae.... ive done more reading and less freakn out and im beginning to believe the orangish spiders are Phytoseiulus persimilis...


*they actually eat spidermites and their eggs...

still doing some reading... cant be too sure. so far ive only found a few on the leaves but i dont think theyre sappy.... they mightve been eatn somethin else thats been suckn on my leaves.... time will tell.
Aphids huh? They're no good either! Shows how much I know about bugs. And if those orange ones are spiders, I would keep them around. Even if you don't have spider mites, at least with those guys around you can know you won't have that issue!

Good luck buddy!
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