Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos: Take 1


New Member
Hello! This is my first ever grow journal! In the past I've done grows using soil with bottled nutes and Hempy buckets, but I've never done organic before. I feel like I just jumped into the deep end but forgot to learn to swim first. LOL. I'm really hoping everything goes smooth, but if not, I'm really hoping some of you good folks will help save my plants. :battingeyelashes: :cheesygrinsmiley:

Let's get down to details. I won't bore you with a long medical history, but suffice to say I'm mostly looking for pain and anxiety relief. I recently tried a good hemp-based CBD oil and was shocked to discover that it alone helped reduce and even eliminate pain that an hour before had me fantasizing about which parts of my body I could remove and live without. It did more for pain than any strain of actual cannabis I have tried to date and each dose works for a good 5 to 6 hours. However, I noticed the CBD oil by itself works best with physical pain and inflammation, while the addition of some THC seems to help eliminate the neuropathic pain better. Also the CBD oil did not help me quite enough for anxiety unless paired with a small amount of THC. Unfortunately, the CBD oil is expensive, and I only have a very small amount of actual cannabis extract left. So what's a girl to do but set up a new grow?!

I'm stoked to try some high CBD strains, starting with 2 of CBD Crew's Skunk Haze (a 50/50 sativa/indica with a 1:1 THC to CBD ratio). The Royal Seed's Special Queen #1 (another 50/50 hybrid) was a freebie, and since I like a good buzz every now and again, it will be my third plant. Originally I wanted CBD Yummy, but it was out of stock. Fear not though, Saturday I saw it was back in stock and scooped it up along with CBD Nordle and C99 for my next grow. I love me some Cindy! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Mid-afternoon on Sept. 22 I put the 3 seeds in wet paper towels in baggies. Then the next day I found my Rapid Rooters, put the seeds in them, and set each inside a Solo cup filled with a seedling starter mix consisting of roughly 4 parts coir, 2 parts perlite, 2 parts vermiculite, and 1 part earth worm castings. I then placed them in my new indoor grow closet with a single CFL a few inches over them for some extra warmth. I spritz the cups lightly with a spray bottle if things start feeling dry.

On to the closet. It makes me giggle each time I go into it because I feel like I'm entering some multi-layered, ghetto security vault. First I have to get through blackout curtains. Then the cheap folding door. Then through my layer of panda film. I always imagine Scrooge McDuck sitting on a pile of gold coins when I enter - but I'll settle for some huge, yummy buds in a few months. *Giggle* Here are some pics (please forgive my crappy photography skills):




Notice the ottoman sitting in front. Something told me to get that this week and I'm so glad I did! It's easy to kick aside so it's not in my way when I need wide-open access, and it's a comfortable height to sit on and work with the plants. My back and legs are extremely grateful there is no squatting required. As an added bonus, I can store stuff in it!

Inside the tent is nothing too fancy. I decided to put my 400w HPS away for this grow and my sweet, sweet hubby bought me 2 Growstar 360w MCOB LED lights. Since LED lights are still going through so many innovations, I didn't want to spend too much money on something I'll probably be enticed to replace within 2 years. Their modular design is what sold me. I don't want to be soldering no itty bitty bulbs if something breaks. Huh uh. Nope. Anyway, I plan to hang these lights Monday when my new 6" Can Fan Pro arrives. I'll hook the fan up to my new carbon filter, which is exhausted into my attic near an exterior vent. Then the lights will hang just below the filter and fan from rope ratchets. I'll also hang a small fan for air circulation as well, maybe 2 if needed. The two intake vents are roughly 14" x 4" holes cut into the bottom left and right sides of the panda film with a sheet of carbon pad taped to both the front and back sides. Also, the top inner two-thirds of the panda film is secured with velcro instead of tape should I need to open it up for wider access.


As you can see the seedling cups are currently sitting on a board sitting on 3 hampers for now. When they're ready in a few weeks I'll remove the board and transplant them into the 8 gallon fabric pots that are in the hampers "cooking" at the moment. Under each pot is an arrangement of PVC pipes that elevate it off the bottom a little. I have the following organic soil mix prepared in the pots:

Base: 10 parts coir, 8 parts worm castings, 7 parts perlite, and 2 parts vermiculite. (I wanted 9 part coir to 9 part castings, but I didn't buy enough castings and my worms haven't finished making a batch yet - the lazy boogers.)

This is supplemented with the following (all organic) per 1 cubic foot of base:
1/2 cup Jobe's granular fertilizer (2-7-4)
1/2 cup neem meal
1/2 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup fish bone meal
1/2 cup alfalfa meal
1/2 heaping cup Diatomaceous Earth
1/2 heaping cup of azomite
1 cup oyster shell

I'm not sure if I should have used more azomite. The directions list a lower amount than most people seem to be adding. *Shrug* I don't know. Does this look like a good or even decent soil mixture? If anyone sees a problem, please speak up. I really am out of my element here.

Oh and I added a layer of good quality Timothy grass hay for mulch (it's what I had laying around). Oh oh and as of right now my plan is to use sprouted seed tea every other water w/ approximately monthly top dressings of EWC and some of the supplements used in the original soil mix. I'd rather only make the stinky teas if necessary to treat an immediate problem, but I do have an air pump and 5 gallon bucket should I need them.

I do believe that is all. Now I wait for my seedlings to emerge any day now. Thanks for taking the time to read this mini-novel! :thanks:
re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

Darn it, I forgot to add that my plan is to use water from my fish tank - except for on young seedlings. That should give a nice little nutrient boost as well. Maybe? I hope.

(Again, instead of adding this to the original post, I'm shamelessly bumping my post count to get to 50. Sorry.)

re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

The use of fish water is a tremendous bonus. I'd wait until they had nodes before introducing it, but you already figured it out. I'll do my best to be attentive, but others will surely find you and surround you with care and my absence while I tend to other matters won't be as glaring.

I shamelessly did a series of small, but significant posts one day to get to the fifty count. I needed to PM my mentor really bad, and that was my method. It's not shameless, just smart. Lol! The trick is to make them significant. Haha!

For a woman who read my intro, this is not a long post. Take it from one who knows how to write a long post. :laughtwo: You have me craving a Cindy now, darn you! I know I'm gonna have to decide on the C99 or the Bluniverse when the time comes to place another order. The Cindy'll probably win out. Good strains you have going here (of course they'll all pop) and even better in the future. I think you'll like the CBD strains you chose for this run. It's the 1:1 ratio that's keeping my daughter stable, and her psychiatrist once told us the best we'd be able to hope for was to keep her feeling safe enough at home that she wouldn't be wanting to try suicide again.

Using cannabis in a balanced ratio of CBD to THC has given her the freedom to leave the apartment just like you and I do. She has the 2:1 strain to fall back on, and it's that one that she uses before she tries to join the community beyond her doors. This is good, because she has no tolerance for the prescribed pharmaceuticals and her mother never wants to see her try to end her own life again. Some things should never be seen, and once witnessed can never be forgotten.

I like your energy. I think we're gonna become fast friends. :battingeyelashes: :Love:
re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

Good job !!!
I came aboard to help if I can:bravo:
I like the set up ! It is very smart

SweetSue is one of my favorite people here so you are in good hands :circle-of-love:
re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

For a woman who read my intro, this is not a long post. Take it from one who knows how to write a long post. :laughtwo: You have me craving a Cindy now, darn you! I know I'm gonna have to decide on the C99 or the Bluniverse when the time comes to place another order. The Cindy'll probably win out.

The last time I ran C99 I had a plant that smelled just like Fruit Loops. I wanted to lick her every time I walked in the room. And she had such a happy, giggly high. I'm hoping to find one again and clone it this time. Of course, that's going to require a dedicated veg space. I gotta work on that.

I like your energy. I think we're gonna become fast friends. :battingeyelashes: :Love:

That's what I thought when I read your journal! Thank you for stopping by!

re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

Good job !!!
I came aboard to help if I can:bravo:
I like the set up ! It is very smart

SweetSue is one of my favorite people here so you are in good hands :circle-of-love:


I'm so happy to have you stop by! Since you're one of the first, all the really comfy seats are still available. Please take your pick. :P
re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

Mind if I pull up a stool as well?

MOUSER! Hello! :welcome: Please take one of the comfy chairs!

I love your avatar. I admit I have a couple cats. Ok, ok, I have like *cough* eight cats. It's why my name is Fuzznutter. I might be a tad crazy about fuzzies. Or maybe I'm a tad crazy because of the fuzzies... Chicken or egg... Who knows?! I swear I'm not a hoarder though. It's a rather long story that I'll probably tell one day, but I swear they're all well cared for.

Ohh that reminds me (hehe, I have a few memory issues), the hemp CBD oil I mentioned earlier works great for cats too! One of my boys had to have FHO surgery after the femoral head broke off entirely in his hip due to a genetic condition. He had a rough surgical recovery, was having issues regaining mobility, and wasn't tolerating prescription pain meds well at all. Since starting him on CBD oil, he is sooo much more active and comfortable that I'm finally daring to hope we made the right decision having the surgery. I don't have to fight him to take it every day either. Three times a day I just put a 1mg drop or two on a cat treat and it's gone in seconds. Beat that pharmaceutical companies! :laughtwo:

Thank you for stopping by!

re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

Watching and learning :cheertwo:

I would like to say one thing. If the minister expects to run over by 30 minutes, a warning should be published in the bulletin. That's all.


So true. So true. At the very least they should provide cushions for your butt. After service: "No sir, it's not a holy power causing me to twitch uncontrollably, with all due respect, it's the pins and needles in my ass from your hard benches and long service!" :laughtwo:
re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

Did I just make page one? :slide:

Why yes you did! Announcer, tell him what's he's won! :laughtwo:

Thank you so much for popping in!

Oh boy, I saw your signature and thought, "Oh yeah, I wanna see a monster!" And then I saw the 100+ pages in your journal. *Deep breath* I can do this, but it's gonna take a while as I'm developing a real long backlog. LOL
re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

Haha yeah I get ya with long journals, I use the stoner speed reading technique (looking at pics) No need to read it all tho, I did a quick picture catch up run on page 100. :passitleft:

I have a stoner anti-speed reading technique where I read for like 10 minutes and then realize that not a word I'm reading is registering in my brain. Then I go back and do it again. And again. And again until I get distracted by something else. Here, try it with me. :passitleft: :loopy:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

:woohoo: :party:
2 out of 3 seedlings showed up over night! :yahoo: It starts!


Everyone please meet Special Queen #1. By the way, they're all feminized so she is a queen.

Then we have our first CBD Skunk Haze.

And nothing for sure on the second CBD Skunk Haze, but I swear the little bit of dirt covering the hole in the Rapid Rooter looks slightly more raised than last night. I'll be checking on them later today when I hang the fans and lights and won't be surprised to see her peeking out of the soil by then.

re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

And Skunk Haze (2) is up! 3 out of 3! :slide:


My inline fan arrived and I got everything hung up and ready to go. I'll probably have to remove the rope ratchets from the lights and possibly shorten the light hanger to get them higher during flowering, but I'll handle that when the time comes.

That Can Fan Pro is much quieter than the last inline fan I had. Even being feet from my bed, it's completely tolerable. It's quieter even than my last white noise generator. In fact, that generator broke last week and I haven't replaced it because I figured the fan would more than loud enough at night. It's so quiet though I think I'm gonna have to get another white noise generator. Also, on low the suction was so much I had to add 2 more intake vents. I removed the back pieces of carbon pad in the previous intakes to allow better air flow.

After setting everything up I had my husband lock me in the closet. (He had no problem with this. LOL) I then had him turn on every light and open all the blinds and curtains in the room. From inside I determined there were no light leaks other than a very small one where the cord was coming in, which I promptly took care of.

The final closet had a kitty inspection...

re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Not sure if this will help with your lights, but I use 1" key rings at the corners and ratchet hangers off of those.... Gets rid of that 8" of wire waste.

re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Not sure if this will help with your lights, but I use 1" key rings at the corners and ratchet hangers off of those.... Gets rid of that 8" of wire waste.


That's a great idea! I think I can unhook my rope from the original clips though and reuse them with maybe some short pieces of chain. Heck maybe I can just use strong zip ties, with a couple extra for backup...I have a lot of zip ties. No, wait, I'll have to see how hot the panels get first. I don't know. Unfortunately, I've got time to figure it out. At least until my husband finishes building the time machine I keep requesting. :blalol: Suffice to say it's gonna be a while, so :volcano-smiley: on, :volcano-smiley: on. :laughtwo:

OUCH! I just noticed something. There are a bunch of long hairs on one of those rope ratchets. Did someone get their hair stuck?! Owie, owie, owie. LOL
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

OUCH! I just noticed something. There are a bunch of long hairs on one of those rope ratchets. Did someone get their hair stuck?! Owie, owie, owie. LOL

Yes..I am, and proud to be a long hair...and yes, I did stand up under the lights and get caught :P, and yes, I did mean to replace that pic with one that had less of me in it :P

I forgot to wear my cowl :)

re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Yes..I am, and proud to be a long hair...and yes, I did stand up under the lights and get caught :P, and yes, I did mean to replace that pic with one that had less of me in it :P

I forgot to wear my cowl :)



Blood, tears, hair. We put it all into our plants. :laughtwo:
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