New Member
This be my first grow using soil. The seeds off my friend he doesn't have any idea what type they is. Seeds look pretty healthly. I planted 'em on 1/8/10 at 8p.m. Am gna put some pics up wen 'em sprout. Here's some info.
What strain is it? Unknown
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Unknown
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedlings
Indoor or outdoor? Indoors
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Fox Farms Ocean Forrest + Perlite
If soil... What size pot? 2liter pots for now then 5gal. pot for both
Size of light? 2 23w 2700k CFL's for now gna add more
Is it aircooled? Not yet
Temp of Room/cab? 72-73 lights on , 64 lights off
Any Pests? Nahh
How often are you watering? As need myb once every 2days
Type and strength of ferts used? Fox Farm's Beastie Bloom for flowering, gna get some more nutes when i get more money
Gna put some pics up later tonite. I just put the seeds in there pots and turned the lights on.
What strain is it? Unknown
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Unknown
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedlings
Indoor or outdoor? Indoors
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Fox Farms Ocean Forrest + Perlite
If soil... What size pot? 2liter pots for now then 5gal. pot for both
Size of light? 2 23w 2700k CFL's for now gna add more
Is it aircooled? Not yet
Temp of Room/cab? 72-73 lights on , 64 lights off
Any Pests? Nahh
How often are you watering? As need myb once every 2days
Type and strength of ferts used? Fox Farm's Beastie Bloom for flowering, gna get some more nutes when i get more money
Gna put some pics up later tonite. I just put the seeds in there pots and turned the lights on.