GanjaFarmer 1st Grow 2 Mysterious Strains


New Member
This be my first grow using soil. The seeds off my friend he doesn't have any idea what type they is. Seeds look pretty healthly. I planted 'em on 1/8/10 at 8p.m. Am gna put some pics up wen 'em sprout. Here's some info.

What strain is it? Unknown
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Unknown
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedlings
Indoor or outdoor? Indoors
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Fox Farms Ocean Forrest + Perlite
If soil... What size pot? 2liter pots for now then 5gal. pot for both
Size of light? 2 23w 2700k CFL's for now gna add more
Is it aircooled? Not yet
Temp of Room/cab? 72-73 lights on , 64 lights off
Any Pests? Nahh
How often are you watering? As need myb once every 2days
Type and strength of ferts used? Fox Farm's Beastie Bloom for flowering, gna get some more nutes when i get more money

Gna put some pics up later tonite. I just put the seeds in there pots and turned the lights on.

Sorry about not posting pics up guys. My server went down and then I lost my camera and a lot more b.s. but anyways all is solved and here's the pics:blunt:

Mysterious Strain 1(Hasn't broke ground yet)

Mysterious Strain 2(Broke Ground Today on 1/11/11)

The pics ain't to good of 'em cuz i got a crappy camera but when the plants get bigger the camera will work aha. Well for now all we can do is wait till they get bigger brah :ganjamon:
Looks like we will be growing at the same pace I look forward to see'ing go down.....Good luck and best wishes.

Thanks brah for joining the ride !!! Hope all goods with your grow as well:goodluck:


Well Mysterious strain 1 has broke ground today on 1/12/10 and Mysterious strain 2 has sprouted tall, since this morning it was no less than a centimeter but when i got back from work it was a myb a 1in. or 1 1/2in. tall i was amazed when i saw this hehe. Well here's some pics for ya guys :slide:

Mysterious Strain 1 barley sprouted a little bit, you could this one gna be the runt i circled it cuz of my crappy camera can't take better ones aha

Mysterious Strain 2
Thanks brah for your support, I hope to see you around in this grow and share ideas and grow support since or babies are basically in the same age :ganjamon:

Hey man! I have 10 Northern lights seeds and 5 have sprouted today so Im in for the show to since ours will be about the same age! Just gotta wait a few weeks or so until my big girl is done that is also a random seed, so cool man I cant wait for yours and my progress. good luck! :grinjoint:
Hey man! I have 10 Northern lights seeds and 5 have sprouted today so Im in for the show to since ours will be about the same age! Just gotta wait a few weeks or so until my big girl is done that is also a random seed, so cool man I cant wait for yours and my progress. good luck! :grinjoint:

Thanks brah for joining the ride !!!! I always wanted to grow Northern Lights so i'll be especially interested in your grow and we could share ideas, tips, and info. i will prbly grow it for my next grow or kali mist (my favorite type of bud) Well hope to see you around and good luck and best wishes :goodluck:
Thanks brah for joining the ride !!! I checked your girls out too they look amazing hopefully mine get like that :grinjoint:

Thanks man, I'm sure your girls will look awesome.

Thanks brah for your support, I hope to see you around in this grow and share ideas and grow support since or babies are basically in the same age :ganjamon:

Oh yeah I'll be around. I've learned so much stuff on these's just amazing. :grinjoint:
Hey man! I have 10 Northern lights seeds and 5 have sprouted today so Im in for the show to since ours will be about the same age! Just gotta wait a few weeks or so until my big girl is done that is also a random seed, so cool man I cant wait for yours and my progress. good luck! :grinjoint:

Hey GT, I was gonna check out your journal but I can't find it. Did you start one?
Thanks man, I'm sure your girls will look awesome.

Thanks I hope they do too :grinjoint:

Oh yeah I'll be around. I've learned so much stuff on these's just amazing. :grinjoint:

I know same here I learned so much as well. I wouldn't even know how to grow if i didn't find this website aha.

Hey GT, I was gonna check out your journal but I can't find it. Did you start one?

I know the same here GT, could you post a link on here showing us where your journal is at? I can't wait to see your girls tho':popcorn:


Mysterious Strain 2 has grown like a beauty to me, on the other hand Mysterious Strain 1 hasn't grown much at all. I really don't noe why tho' ?:hmmmm:
I will put some pics of them up 2maro when i get new batteries for my camera. BTW has any ever tried the bud called apple candy greens? That bud is amazing it has a great body high and mind high for me i just smoke some it about half an hour ago i think this is one of my new favorites but kali mist is still gna be my num1 choice as soldier of jah will be my num2 choice
Thanks brah for joining the ride !!!! I always wanted to grow Northern Lights so i'll be especially interested in your grow and we could share ideas, tips, and info. i will prbly grow it for my next grow or kali mist (my favorite type of bud) Well hope to see you around and good luck and best wishes :goodluck:

Definetly man Im stoked! Im here for the ride so Ill try to help out as much as I can and share some ideas, And I am all in for helpful tips and ideas so we can knockout a killer garden! I love it when gardens get started around the same time, Im pumped man lol. :grinjoint:

And GanjaFarmer and Highandwired I have not started a journal yet on my Northern lights babys but 8/10 have popped up through the dirt so far in there baby box and I expect the other 2 also since the seeds were fresh, The girl I have in my grow room now should be ready any week now, Finally fixed her PH problem due to breakdown of my soil causing low PH. Anyways Ill probably end up making a journal though, It is something I wanted to do, I built a homemade hydro setup today and just need to get a pump and some airstones tomorrow So I may be doing half hydro/half soil, All I know is I cant wait!
Definetly man Im stoked! Im here for the ride so Ill try to help out as much as I can and share some ideas, And I am all in for helpful tips and ideas so we can knockout a killer garden! I love it when gardens get started around the same time, Im pumped man lol. :grinjoint:

And GanjaFarmer and Highandwired I have not started a journal yet on my Northern lights babys but 8/10 have popped up through the dirt so far in there baby box and I expect the other 2 also since the seeds were fresh, The girl I have in my grow room now should be ready any week now, Finally fixed her PH problem due to breakdown of my soil causing low PH. Anyways Ill probably end up making a journal though, It is something I wanted to do, I built a homemade hydro setup today and just need to get a pump and some airstones tomorrow So I may be doing half hydro/half soil, All I know is I cant wait!

Thanks brah and its the same here. I'm stoked that were growing at the same time and for sure we gna grow a amazing bud garden :grinjoint:

Ohh okay cause i was looking for your grow journal on your NL babies and couldn't find it aha just let us know when you start it. I'll defiantly join the ride on your grow. Also i don't know that much about hydro haha i barley anything about soil either but am trying my best. Is hydro better than soil or do you think i should just stick with soil?


Mysterious Strain 2 has done amazing and is doing good but Mysterious strain 1 hasn't really been doing anything at all it has shown little growth. I think it is dying sadly but am still trying to make her better and live even if it is am with it till the end. Also my camera's batteries died again before i could take any pics of the 'em. I'll let you guys know tho' when i get some new batteries for my camera and am gna put up pics. Sorry for the wait tho' guys.
Thanks brah and its the same here. I'm stoked that were growing at the same time and for sure we gna grow a amazing bud garden :grinjoint:

Ohh okay cause i was looking for your grow journal on your NL babies and couldn't find it aha just let us know when you start it. I'll defiantly join the ride on your grow. Also i don't know that much about hydro haha i barley anything about soil either but am trying my best. Is hydro better than soil or do you think i should just stick with soil?


Mysterious Strain 2 has done amazing and is doing good but Mysterious strain 1 hasn't really been doing anything at all it has shown little growth. I think it is dying sadly but am still trying to make her better and live even if it is am with it till the end. Also my camera's batteries died again before i could take any pics of the 'em. I'll let you guys know tho' when i get some new batteries for my camera and am gna put up pics. Sorry for the wait tho' guys.

Ill let you guys know when I start one!

They are completely different, Both have there ups and downs, Soil can be much more forgiving since if one plant has a defficiency or a problem just that one plant needs to be corrected, But In hydro if your running everything together if one goes wrong, then your going to have a lot of other issues with the others lol. But Keep one happy in hydro and the rest will be happy since a lot of times multiple plants share the same reservoir.
Theres alot of interesting simple hydro designs out there you can check out, I like soil and hydro both, but with Hydro you can fix your problem right away and not have to worry about everything mixing in with your soil at once, Lol I kind of started rambling so hopefully I made sence, Im pretty stoned from this morning smoke session lol. :lot-o-toke:
Ill let you guys know when I start one!

They are completely different, Both have there ups and downs, Soil can be much more forgiving since if one plant has a defficiency or a problem just that one plant needs to be corrected, But In hydro if your running everything together if one goes wrong, then your going to have a lot of other issues with the others lol. But Keep one happy in hydro and the rest will be happy since a lot of times multiple plants share the same reservoir.
Theres alot of interesting simple hydro designs out there you can check out, I like soil and hydro both, but with Hydro you can fix your problem right away and not have to worry about everything mixing in with your soil at once, Lol I kind of started rambling so hopefully I made sence, Im pretty stoned from this morning smoke session lol. :lot-o-toke:

Haha its all good brah this journal right here is our's and what i mean as our's its everybody's on 420magazine you could ramble all you want it doesn't bother me at all. But i see your point with soil and hydro. I'll prbly try hydro after this grow and see which one i like better. Thanks for the info tho'


My bad i haven't been on in a while guys its cuase my shitty internet connect but all is fixed now. I am happy to be back !!! But anyways the ladys (hopefully) have been doing fine Mysterious Strain 2 has been doin good she has started to grow he 2rd node as Mysterious Strain 1 has done little growth at all but am sticking with her till she die. I would have just tossed her already but i sorta got attached to her like she my daughter haha. I thought up a name for mysterious strain 2 am gna call her Estella and for mysterious strain 1 i will be calling Tammy haha. Also i finally got new batteries !!! so heres the pics of the ladys

Estella before i put her in the light.

Tammy you can't really see her so i circled her. Hopefully she start to grow soon

I'll be back on 2maro guys. Am go smoke a bowl:yummy:
DAY 10

The girls have been doing good guys. I not gna put up any pics because not that much has grown bt as on the other hand i ordered a DarkRoom 80 so i could put my babys in there and put more lights in too. I starting to make the setup right now so prbly in the next 2 or 3 hours it'll be done and ill put some pics of the setup and my girls. See everybody till then
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