Gardenfaerie Auto Fem - CFL to Greenhouse

Sorry, I can't leave it long enough for you to reply GF...

Wild, that was so eloquenty and beautifully said. I agree, totally with everything you said. Thank you.
I hope they leave Mark alone! Tired of employers using those "Test" practices to control people by diminishing their privacy and out of the blue usually.... Should be totally based on professionalism , expertise and productivity totally!

I agree that outdoor plants have the relationship with bugs but we face a major issue these days , one that people like you are starting to show light on the differences between organic and chem grows and how they affect each other. Organic is almost impossible unless done entirely indoors now but if we can convince our nations leaders that chem is not good for anything inthe long run maybe we can go back to organic again? That would rock , using mother nature as our teacher is always best <3

I was asked why I did not argue with you before or get upset with your critism.... Fact is the information you shared inr esponse was totally up my alley and your method of thinking is where I want to aim for!

I noticed that you are very modest with the amount of medicine you use and that endulging compared to most of us is quite small. Well see there is something that people can learn from too! When you can create your own meds and pinpoint your prefferences you do not need as much meds. A lesson most of us need to learn. lol

Thank you for everything you have taught me GF and I look forward to my next lesson too eh! Much love to you and your husband from Wild rose country Canada!

-Bitumen Rose

Oh that is just so sweet and kind. And I do try my hardest to be diplomatic when expressing my radical organic views, which sometimes gets lost. In past years I was not always so rational. Organic methods are all I use. Inside or outside. It takes a garden no matter where, at least three years to fully revert back to a balanced situation. One where you will have active beneficial insects, and pathogens. Not all pathogens are harmful to growing.

As few as ten years ago, no. It would not be as easy. But now everyone is on the bandwagon. There are so many good products out there for organic growers all one need to is decide which one you want and use it. We can even buy quality compost, quality aerobic compost tea, etc. The problems people have are with their view, not with insects. People have a need to grow perfect plants, not one hole, not one chew, not one blemish. Okay then, not achievable in this lifetime or any other, but with chemical methods you can come close. There's one problem. YOU POISON the planet that way. Not YOU, the proverbial you.

I will hopefully prove that growing outdoors is not any more subject to problems than it is inside. Inside you have problems with lighting, fertilizers, and also insects! Outside you have the power of the sun. Well, anyway, my next journal will be evidence one way or the other.

Thanks for such a beautiful post and Tassie, you never have to wait for me to reply to something. Anybody can post anything which is acceptable to the 420 Magazine right on my journals. No restrictions at all other than whatever the rules mandate. If allowed, you can use any language and any topic. If it changes, I'll let every one know.
This is why we love you sooo much here at 420 GF :):love::circle-of-love::love:

Awe, I too love it here and love everyone who visits. When you find people who know that the meaning of love is to delight in the happiness of another, you hold on to them.

Awe, I too love it here and love everyone who visits. When you find people who know that the meaning of love is to delight in the happiness of another, you hold on to them.


Replying to my own post because when I see that little ring of hearts with the smiley face in it I can't help but think of Dennise!

Yes, you can always remove any diseased or damaged foliage or stems. Like I told you in PM, make sure you clean your cutter between cuts with alcohol. It takes time to do that, but it is imperative since we don't know for sure your plant does not have a pathogen somewhere.

Not that it does. Don't start up with what I just said about pathogens. I will fly out there and lump you up!
Yes, you can always remove any diseased or damaged foliage or stems. Like I told you in PM, make sure you clean your cutter between cuts with alcohol. It takes time to do that, but it is imperative since we don't know for sure your plant does not have a pathogen somewhere.

Not that it does. Don't start up with what I just said about pathogens. I will fly out there and lump you up!

thnx GF :love: , im good at cleaning the scissors, i read that somewhere, the leaves still have lots of green,

they are just curled, clawed & very sorry looking, i will not snip anything, BUT WAIT!!! WHAT IF??????

i need more light to reach the low growth, can i snip now? i have the clean scissors in my hand! SNIP SNIP
Your plants are looking good GF. I wish I was able to grow outside, your very lucky to have the option. And it's a shame the way employers drug test these days. Any really serious hard drugs are gone and out of your system quick enough that they won't show up on a drug test if the person stops for a day or two.. MJ is the the main one caught by tests, and it should be the least of the anyones worries.
Here is a little update with photos I took tonight.








Here is where the plants will and one photo of my prepared soil. It is friable, deep, drains well, plenty of granite sand and other rock powders:


Here is another angle:


My soil:

Yes, you can always remove any diseased or damaged foliage or stems. Like I told you in PM, make sure you clean your cutter between cuts with alcohol. It takes time to do that, but it is imperative since we don't know for sure your plant does not have a pathogen somewhere.

Not that it does. Don't start up with what I just said about pathogens. I will fly out there and lump you up!

That's Gardenfaerie AKA (Thumper).
Just checking in to see if I'm in trouble for the (Thumper) thing. Your babies are looking Awesome.
Nobody is in trouble! My nickname is veeto aka Vito. My best friend John, who died 6 years ago at the age of 49 was like a brother and we would constantly lump each other up on a regular basis. It was our thing. Now I have his two sons, now in their 20s. Big mess. They're finally out and living.

That said, I think something happens in the camera to make things look prettier than they actually are. Weird. I watered the girls today using mycorrhizae and humus.

Light, the two best double tops are the Lemon Kush. I'm so tempted just to do both of them in a container. I think they are the best flux candidates of the bunch. Yeah, I'm going to do two Lemon Kush in container fluxes. One of the Money Makers fluxed. One in ground with the two WW x BB. That's what I'll do. It's getting more clear.

I think I'll go right this second and put on the first set of wires to train. The three fluxies are going to stay in their current container until they are almost root bound. I think you like to do that too, right LA? I find plants really JUMP when they have a bit of root bound action before you xplant up to the next size.

So exciting!
HORRIBLE photos, but I'll get more later or tomorrow. I had to run back into the little room, if you know what I mean.

The other plant I did has four arms being trained, but those photos did not turn out well. What do you think of this so far? If you can't see them, I understand. I really want a good camera for these blind eyes.


I wouldn't remove any foliage, but they do look like they're begging to be transplanted soon. Yes, the new shoots certainly have the capability to become new branches, and even those branches have the capability to lead to new branches, so on and so forth. Just depends on the veg time. However, if it began flowering at this stage than they would become just two small localized bud-sites. Can't wait to see these things get put into the ground. :thumb:
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