Germination Question


New Member
Before I make my first attempt at germing some bag seeds, I need some pointers. I've read all the FAQs on germination but I have yet to read anything specific to temperature.

As winter draws nearer temperatures outside are dipping down closer and closer to 0 Celsius (30-40 F now, in mid winter temperatures will be at least 5 degrees F if not colder), and indoors our room temperature is on average about 75 F (anywhere between 70-80 F).

What temp is ideal for germination? My grow box with lights on reaches the mid 80's so should I germinate in there? Obviously I'd have to cover the seeds and completely hide them from the light, but I'm thinking that overnight as the furnace comes on and off there may be too much temperature fluctuation to germinate seeds at room temp. Maybe I'm way off, please let me know, thanks
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