

Well-Known Member
Ok ... ive germinated before and it worked well ..... but this time i have the seeds the same way as last time .... But ... they wont germinate ... They've ( 2 seeds ) Have been in the bag for about 3 days .... ( i used the peper towel method ) 1 end is trurning a lil white but no lil white stem thingy out yet .... Are these seeds no good ? i put them between my fingers before starting germination and they didnt pop so ... :hmmmm:
Re: Germination ....

im a little new to the growing process also. my Boy and our friends have started to attempt growing. i planted a couple just goofing around in a fern pot. and 2/5 sprouted. as for the germinating...whats the best method adn how do you do it?
p.s. whats the purpose behind putting the seeds between your fingers? any help would be great. thanks a lot!
Re: Germination ....

ok as for putting it through ure finger (im not quite sure what ure talking about but if it has already sprouted that not a good idea there are tiny little hairs on the taproot(what pops outta the seed first)the puropse for germinating is to see which seeds are active,but the best way to germinate is to get a cup of water fill half way (room tempature water)then place the seeds in water they should float place in a dark area, leave for about a few days put ure finger in the water and swirl it around they should sink take them out u should see the taproot peeking plant taproot face down :allgood: :goof: :rasta:
Re: Germination ....

Pressing seeds between your fingers is to determine if they are immature or not. Immature seeds pop when squeezed, mature ones do not. As for germinating methods ive tryed both mentioned and get roughly the same germ rate. 420am&pm some seeds need a little help with breaking there shell, if this is the case carfully cut or graze the side of the seeds with a sterile instrument. If this is not the case just give them time.

Re: Germination ....

Just wait a little while longer. Mine took about 3-4 days for the tap root to show. Put the tap root face down when your gonna put them in the pot.
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