Gettin' Ready 4 Harvest...


New Member
As the title states...I have heard and read that you can put your plants on a 36 hour straight dark cycle right before you pluck em..and that builds up the resin in the bud [which would be great] as a defence mechanisim....first, is that true, and secondly how would you do that with an outdoor grown in 5gal buckets
o okay also i have heard that right before you put your plants into that dark period you snap the main branch at the base to put the plant into shock forcing the plant to push the THC production into overdrive...true??
after all that time babying the girls, I'd have a hard time abusing them right at the end :)
As I have always stated, I believe this method does not produce more resin, rather it preserves the THC already acquired. Ultra-violet light can degrade THC quality past the point of maturity and grow lights by nature try to replicate sunlight. The basic idea of the dark cycle before harvest is to not degrade the THC any more past the point you have selected for harvest. A little more time without water makes the buds dry quicker too. Some people say this makes it more potent, but in my opinion they are being too particular. Smoking sooner is not increasing the potency or quality.

I have tried 48 hours of dark before harvest with no noticeable difference in potency and espescially not in yeilds.
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