
Well-Known Member
Time for another few grows. Here's the first:

Date started: 2018 Jan 10
Germination: Seed in between 2 moist paper towels, transferred to Rooter plugs in germination station
Seed(s): feminized GG4 (formerly Gorilla Glue #4) photoperiod from Attitude
Indoors/Outdoors: Indoors
Tent: Vivosun 2x4x5 with two 4" inlet fans, 6" carbon filtration, clip on fan
Lights: two Viparspectra 300w on pulleys, 18/6 in veg, 12/12 in flower
Grow Method: Edna's potting soil in 3 gallon Vivosun grow bag with 1/4 perlite
Nutes: 1/2 strength General Hydroponics FloraGrow, FloraMicro, FloraBloom; pH Up/Down and CalMag as needed
Canopy Management: aggressive and early on LST

The seed popped within a few days, and when there was enough of a tail, I put it into my heated germination station in a Rooter plug, in a south facing window. Left it there for 4 days till I got a nice stem and first true leaves, then moved it into the tent and turned on the system. I meant to start this journal last month but sickness in the family kept me from doing so till now (damn flu). Today is 29 days from seed, and here's the obligatory photo:


This is day 20 in veg. My pH is a bit high (nearing 7) so I'm going to be checking into how to lower pH and properly feed a soil grow indoors. I usually do hydro (and have two in as GG4's tentmates) so I'm not exactly sure how I should feed the soil, but I'll learn by tomorrow. Have a few brown spots on first leaves too, not sure yet if I should adjust anything but I will find out.
OK, here we are at the 4-week-in-veg mark, and this GG4 in soil indoors grow is not coming along as well as her tentmates, who are about twice as big and bushy at this point. I'm not sure if that's typical of GG4, but it's time to flip her to 12/12, and I'm hoping she'll start stretching and filling out soon. Keeping her on aggressive veg nutes till first sign of flower, though.

OK, here is my GG4 grow on day 47 from seed, one week in 12/12. Still quite a bit smaller than her tentmates, but otherwise she seems fine. Perhaps that is just the strain talking. Anyway, looks like it's getting close to switch over to flower nutes.

Day 52 from seed, day 14 in flower (12/12 LEDs), on transition nutes (2 tsp. Gro, 2 tsp. Micro, 2 tsp. Flora, 1 tsp. CaliMag). She's kind of spindly looking, flanked on both sides by whoppers in comparison. But I'm gonna nurture her along just as I do the others, and I hope to see some flowers soon.

Here's my GG4's progress, at day 62 from seed, day 24 in flower. She's a much smaller lass than her two tent mates, but she's in soil while the others are in hydro, so I don't know if that's what's causing slower growth. I think next time I'm going to run GG4 in hydro and do a comparison.

Definitely hydro. I only did this one in a soil bag because I didn't have a third waterfarm, but I'm going to order another one next week. I get much bigger and faster grows in hydro, it's easier to maintain a good nute and pH level (though I did stick a pH meter in the soil which also watches moisture levels). After this grow is done and the tent is empty, I'll try a GG4 in hydro and watch for the differences.
I'll be harvesting this grow in just a few days. I'll do a photo before I cut, one of the untrimmed colas, and then finally one of the trimmed colas before drying. I didn't LST this grow so I'm not expecting a whole lot, but even if I get a bit north of 1 oz. (my current guesstimate based on prior grows), it's still fine. Plus I modded my waterfarms for the next grow to allow me to more easily LST, and so I expect a lot more out of future grows.

My next grow of GG4 (which follows this harvest) will be in a waterfarm so I can compare soil vs. hydro. I'm a bit disappointed in the height and bulk of this grow, it looks so puny compared to its tent mates (GDP and NL). But I love the strain so it's all good in the end.
Okay, today was harvest day for this little gem. This GG4 was in soil in my tent alongside my other hydro grows, and she didn't get tall or bush out at all, so this isn't going to be much of a yield at all. Here is a pic of pre-wet trim and post-wet trim:

Off to the dryer this meager yield goes, then two weeks to cure. The buds are nice and sticky, so I think these should make for a good vape session. Not sure of the weight at all, be lucky to get 1/2 oz I suppose, but live and learn. Next time I grow GG4 I'm going to go hydro and watch for differences.
OK, final trim today and stuffed into a mason jar. Final yield was a paltry 9.25 grams, better luck next time eh? Two weeks of cure and I'll give this grow a vape test!
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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