Growing massive plants in containers


New Member
I started a 'late' season grow this year with a large quantity of plants to get the kind of yield I need, and due to how successful it has been going thus far I decided I'm going to start planning next year's grow now. I want to grow massive plants in containers. They can't be too tall tho, maximum 6ft, but they can be as bushy as they want. (Fimming and LSTing will be the order of the day)

The size containers I was thinking of using is 20-30gal trash cans turned into pots. This doesn't take TOO much soil to fill (I know people do freakish things with 500gal smart pots but I just can't afford that much soil) but it's still more than enough rootspace.

What is the best harvests you guys have had with 20gal containers outdoors? What kind of climate are you in, what where the growing conditions (how much direct sunlight, was it a guerrilla or backyard, etc) and what strains did you grow? What was your average yield off of a plant in any size container (or straight into the ground for that matter) that you guys got from something that went through a full outdoor season?
This is indoor in a 110 litre grow bag and is full of root's
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