Thanks for that
@gr865 will delve into them in a few mins.
I try and spend a bit of time everyday to swot up on something new so will be my pleasure.
Please allow me to clear that up, no intention to upset you. Would never pressume anyone here is in this for profit. I myself am (albeit 'self') medicating as is my wife.
Frankly it became a worry when it wasn't available to us (which happens far to often) when you have to rely on others. Additionally it is an expensive 'medicine'.
So decided I needed to take control of not only our supply requirements but also what was in what i'm smoking as i like to avoid big pharma et el and go as natural as poss.
Add to that the wealth of choice in strains: i mean, specifically identifying the best strains for the often very unique set of 'what ails us', someone in need would be daft not too take this growing 'business' on.
So even though its not looked on favourably by the UK legal system, I grow because I need to.
Any pressumption to profit hasn't been broached the short time I have been here.
And following farmers, just like yourself, i'm getting a much broader understanding and gratification that marijuana is not only the unifying parameter that drives most of us here but is integral on so many levels for so many people to simply function in another messed up show that ends only once.
Am graphic designer and provided some support for a charity a couple of years ago that provides care for injured vets who are struggling with PTSD and learned it is relied upon in much the same way as you describe the same way.
Have maintained my links with the guvn'r of the place and also where i'm sending some of my harvest
Incidentally 24?! Damn gr, im hoping for enough to cover the next few months, if i end up anywhere near that I'll be amazed.
Look forward to speaking more in the future fella