Guano: A Gardener's Guide

I make a great tea consisting of the following: Neptune's harvest fish and seaweed, molasses, kelp, budswell (bat & sea bird Guano and worm castings). I am in the beginning of making a vortex brewer. My first attemp is in the picture. I have the quad airstone just cause I had it and wanted to give lots of oxygen, and a pump to agitate, I was going to get it to votrex but didn't get what I was trying to accomplish. The air, might be different for just straight Guano, but I don't think so. This tea becomes a little world for all these wonderful micro organisms, just as our world, we need oxygen to live. Since this bucket is full of life they need O2 to survive, hence the airstone. The vortex or water pump, for me is to keep the foam down. After about 24-33 hours, life starts to occur, and you can tell this by the foam that is created. The water pump is simply an agitator. I will make a 55 gallon drum a vortex brewer come spring.
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