Hair drug test please help


420 Member
Hello friends. I have accepted a offer for my dream job, but they hair test. I have .5 inches of hair on my head and my beard is 1 inch plus in some spots. I clean shave my entire body including armpits for working in confined spaces and to help stay cool. I have over the last 6 months smoked only a handful of rips from a pen, no flower or edibles and piss clean. My question is if the only hair I have .5 on my head and a inch of beard hair is that enough to test? And I have bought the testclean shampoo kit to clean my hair and beard. Should I be overly concerned?
It really depends on what type of test(s) they use and how sensitive it is. Normally they first do a chemical presumptive test, if you pass that intial test, you'll be fine, but if you fail or come up inconclusive, then it goes to a Mass Spectrometer, you can't beat that! That said, if your consumption was really low, you may be ok.
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