Happydude420 - Merlot OG In Fabric Pots Running LEDs


New Member
What strain is it? Merlot OG
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Indica
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? flowering
If in Flower stage... For how long? Day 38 of flowering
Indoor or outdoor? indoor
Soil or Hydro? soil fox farm
If soil... What size pot? 3 gallons
lights? mars hydro x2 Reflector 92x3w
Temp of Room/cab? 71-83
Any Pests ? yes spider mites have it under control
How often are you watering?every 3-4 day
this is what i been using through out the whole grow at the beginning i was just using golden tree then started using both after i had a bit of mag deficiency in week 1 ............and only feed once with some fish kelp fertilizer (week 4)
and some fish fertilizer(week 5)


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