
I usually extract 3 kind of hash using leavers, little buds and some collected thc crystals!

1 - collecting thc from grinder or jars I simply heat and compact it with the pressure of the finger or use a pressing tool (needed only with big amounts of crystal - or dry ice extraction method);

2 - rosin tech lets you collect a kind of honey not using any solvent; How to - Rosin Tech

3 - using 95°(or higher) edible alcohol.
The extract will be a kind of resin, very sticky (I love to smoke it with my vape :volcano-smiley:).

I grind (not to much) small buds and sugar leaves (the ones covered in crystals) and place them in a jar, I cover the ground material with alcohol (the colder the best), then I close the jar and gently shake it for a minute or two.
The alcohol should have a become green or brown, then it's time to strain the plant material and alcohol.
To strain I use a cheesecloth, but a double scottecs should be enough. The container that will contain the green strained alcohol should be as flat as possible, because once evaporated at room temp, you have to scratch the resin from it with a knife or screwdriver.

everything you wanna know about extractions is here, and GFCollective is/are the best. Always kind with everyone and ready to chat and help!
GFC Extracts
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