Having bit of an issue some advice would greatly be appreciated


Well-Known Member
I have a 4x3 ft grow room with 2 critical purple auto and 2 northern lights auto.. for my lights im using a optic 4 led full spectrum. Im using fox farm ocean forest for my medium straight out the bag no added perlite or anything. My planters are the smart pots fabric 3 gallon pots.. my critical purple the first one i started is about 22 days old and the new growth is really yellow and reddish tented when the lights come on the leafs want to droop down till like 7 hrs after the lights have been on and i run a 18/6 hr schedule and leafs have like a different shades on the leafs idk seems weird.. My northern lights first plant is very dark green and is stacking nodes very very tightly and the leafs arent want to rise up like a cannabis plant should the leafs just lay over on the plant.. i keep temps at about 75 and humidity around 50% but the humidity wants to jump around alot due to me having a thermostat on exhaust fan please help good advice would be dearly appreciated
Pictures will definitely help people get a better idea how to help.
Check out this link if ya need help uploading;
Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

Feel free to also repost your question in my 'Temple on Bloom' journal so more people can see it and respond back to you directly.
Temple Of Bloom

Another good place you could post this question would be over in the Critical group comparative thread:
Critical Comparative: Growing Anything Critical Related? Let's Share Info And Get The Most Out Of Our Grow

Get some views from a few veteran growers. I'm sure you'll have an answer asap.

Stay lifted homie!
Ok ill post some pics tonight when i get home bc I definitely want to grow the right way and want my plants as stress free as possible just like every grower wants lol thanks for the advice ill post the pics on this thread so u can see them and get your advice thanks ill be posting pics around 7:00pm est time
Ok ill post some pics tonight when i get home bc I definitely want to grow the right way and want my plants as stress free as possible just like every grower wants lol thanks for the advice ill post the pics on this thread so u can see them and get your advice thanks ill be posting pics around 7:00pm est time
I'll be watching for it.
Do i hit the camara icon on the thread reply to take the photos also i water with tap water and adjust my ph with some ph down called alaska something its from walmart it says acid base or acidic base one of them idk if its that or what ill post some pics tho thanks buddy for quick reply ill see you tonight at 7:00 est time
Do i hit the camara icon on the thread reply to take the photos also i water with tap water and adjust my ph with some ph down called alaska something its from walmart it says acid base or acidic base one of them idk if its that or what ill post some pics tho thanks buddy for quick reply ill see you tonight at 7:00 est time
2 ways to go about uploading pics. You can go to the Gallery tab and click add media, then upload to either "member galleries" or "off topic photos" accordingly. Once you have them uploaded to that folder you can drop them into your replies with that little camera icon.

Or option 2... You can drop a pic in the reply with the "attach files" tab under the reply box.

You just have to remember to click the thumbnail or full image button for how you want it to appear in the message.

The photos loaded with option 2 do not stay saved in your 420 mag gallery though. They are just inserted into that specific message.

I try to use the member gallery more often so I can throw the same picture into multiple replies throughout the forums without needing to upload it in the message every time.

Hope this helps; I look forward to seeing what ya got!
Ffof has good nutes for 4-6 weeks depending on the plant growth
Calmag is usually needed

Keep in mind, if you transplant, say at week 3, to a bigger pot with fresh soil, you can gain a few weeks that way also
These are all autos tho so by 6 weeks it should be in flower do i flush and start supplementing with the bloom part of the ff nutes and i dont plan to transplant i started them in the 3 gallon fabric pots so i wouldnt have to transplant
What u guys think they arent as droopy now but light just came on also yeaturday they were droopy till like 8 hrs after light was on and i havent watered them since last thursday


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They fill lite but the ffof seems to hold water alot they were worse then this today they look pretty good idk if to water or to not water i soaked the whole pots down and did it with a turkey baster very slowly each pot ate half gallon of water
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