Heady high


Well-Known Member
A heady high is a great thing. Problem is it shows up in so many different ways that makes it confusing. The real confusing ones are the heady indicas. Don't they know that heady is a sativa job? To much to think about with them in this conversation so we will leave Indicas and Kush's out of it. All my favorite strains will have this effect in some ways. Even the strongest indica's will have some head to the high.

The GOAT for heady high has to be Headband. The name says it all and the end product does exactly what it's name imply's. Like I said heady can come in so many ways. Headband and Blueberry Headband are 2 different animals both with the same heady high.

Most people consider sativa's heady. In most case's this is true but in different ways. High is high as the name imply's. How high is a whole different thing. Some people consider a lower THC sativa that does not put them out as heady. Basically if a strain does not put you out it is heady. Just because you can smoke it all day does not mean it is heady. Some sativa's can be strong as hell and you can still smoke them all day and function.

I have had some great heady high strains. The great ones will still have that head high hours later. Jack the Ripper was one of these. It is still one of my favorite get things done sativa's. With it 2 hours after smoking you could still feel it. You kind of had to stop and think about it for a minute because it is a get things done sativa. When you stopped for a minute and relaxed, there it was where you wanted it.

Cinderella 99 is my new favorite. With it you don't have to stop to notice LOL. It likes to keep you informed you are high the whole time. Still you are not so high you can't get stuff done. Be careful, you can smoke yourself to uselessness if you try. Daytime weed or not you can smoke too much of this. Mostly because of paranoia because you can smoke a lot of this and still function. I don't get paranoia much if any but notice little moments of it with this one once in a while.

So there is my basic take on Heady Highs. What are yours and Why?
It is one of the few strains that I liked as much at the end of all my jars as I did in the beginning. I just tried a early bud of some Chocoloco. It is going to be pretty heady as I had hoped. Pretty strong all ready and it is a couple weeks early. Hope it stay's it could just get stronger LOL.
No chocolate omg My lungs hurt thinking about it. Jackson should try some Brooklyn sunrise from seedsman. It’s amazing smile. Keeps us going all day with long lasting effects. But it doesn’t lock you and make you question what your doing. It makes every idea seam like a great idea. Hahah.
I will look into it. I recently ordered from seedsman just to see what they were made of. In saying that I run across my biggest problem. I have grown and smoked enough strains to know what great pot is like. While there are a few I will never change. I want to grow my own strains. Doing that with out having to smoke crappy weed is going to take some work.

I want my strains to be different. I don't want to do it by just crossing other people's great weed. I want to go my own direction and still to get the same outcome.
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