Hello 420 Magazine!


New Member
Medical Need here,

I thought I would finally stop in here and do a belated 100th post intro.

I am a Medical Patient, I am currently doing what I can to help the cause of Medicinal as well as recreational and industrial use of Cannabis-Hemp.

I suffer from a Life Long NeuroDegenerative disease that I find Cannabis is very helpful with my symptoms as well as a "NeuroProtectant".

I am doing a lot of research and reading on the subject, especially since I found out the US health Dept. ie the US Gov. has a patent on cannabis as antioxidants and neuroprotectants. Patent #6630507.

I would like to Thank every one on site here who is currently doing their part. Especially Rob and all the site Mods and contributors.

I hope that Cannabis-Hemp soon gets the Freedom that the plant deserves, as the 70+ years of Prohibition is just to long as it has so much to give to the human race as well in Med form to many other species.

I appreciate your time and hope that 420Magazine is as much of influence on your life as you will let it be, and that you enjoy life and the ones around you!

Medical Need
Yes I seen you around makin' Great Posts. :clap:
Hello to you MedicalNeed happy to have you here with us. :ciao:
Please continue to share your Wonderful thoughts and insight. :hmmmm:
Thank you for Helping Us Spread Cannabis Awareness.
Happy 100 posts and Hoping for many, many more! :yahoo:
See you around My Friend, :peace:
Thanks for the introduction MedicalNeed.
We are winning the war for cannabis awareness.
They only have money, ignorance, and fear on their side.
Stay safe and stay with us.
:grinjoint: :peace:
Thank You for the best wishes and warm welcome 420 Magazine!

I enjoy coming on-line and looking around and doing what I feel I must do to help educate and make Change on the issues of Cannabis-Hemp.

Hope there will be much needed Change soon in this area, as one should not have to worry about being locked in a Cage for possessing a simple plant that man kind has used throughout history, and this will NEVER Change.

Make your voice heard, Visit your Legislature and make Your Vote Count, silence is the reason this has gone on so long! NO MORE

Medical Need
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