Hello Friends & Growers


420 Member
Hello friends and growers. You can call me harley24. I am an experienced grower, and i say that because i am not new to growing. I have tried many strains and prefer inside growing over anything else. I grow in soil, with a mixture of organic peat, perlite and worm castings. I like to use the fertilizer tablets, which i have had good success with, but will need to change to regular nutrients when i start growing using DWC, or hydro methods. I also enjoy sharing information about growing and helping others solve problems they may have with a grow, such as ph, yellowing leafs, root rot, lighting, container size, harvesting, vegging times, etc. The more i learn about these things the better my grows become. I do have one thing i go by extensively, and that is to keep it as simple as possible. When doing this it leaves less that can go wrong with a grow and makes it easier to figure a problem out. Please feel free to drop me a post and get to know me. I am here to learn and help in any way i can. Peace
Hello harley24,

I'm a new grower and have received much help here with my hydro system and fortunately things are going smoothly at present after many things happening one after the other. It's wonderful that you are willing to share your time and knowledge and I know it will be greatly appreciated. Much admiration.

Nice to meet you. I would like to hear about your grow if you get around to it. This site is great. Happy growing to you all.
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