Help finding a doctor


New Member
I am looking to find a doctor near or in Texas who believes medical marijuana will help autism. I know my child can be helped with this treatment and it is well worth a try if we can take her off the current meds she is on that have multiple side effects. Please message or email me. I am a mother who just wants to help my child.
I am looking to find a doctor near or in Texas who believes medical marijuana will help autism. I know my child can be helped with this treatment and it is well worth a try if we can take her off the current meds she is on that have multiple side effects. Please message or email me. I am a mother who just wants to help my child.

maybe you should move I'm in CO and my sons Dr.s push big Pharm. and looked at me like I was stupid for bringing it up. She new all about the Aussie study about psychotic teens tho. I hope my sons next Dr. Actually does some research and is willing to try something new.
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