Help - New grower


420 Member

Hello fellow growers, I am new at growing and I am currently growing Cali OG Kush from crop kings.

I've notice that one of my plant's leafs look sick. I don't know what it is but I done some research and it looks like it may be broadmites? Don't know for sure, I was hoping some one might help. Thanks
If you look real close at your picture it appears that you have a teeny tiny little black bug on your Leaf he may actually be the culprit cannot zoom in far enough to tell you what it is
Yes I notice that .. it looks like black goo. I was told it was bug droppings. Here's another pic besides the black goo I can't see any bugs.
It looks like it could also be a deficiency but I don't think so and there are a lot of bugs that just feed at night and you will not see them during the day especially growing outside I would continue to check your leaves and see if it's spreading if it spreads to another plant it's most likely a bug and not nutrients which curious to whether your plans were in pots or whether they were in the ground
Thanks I will keep an eye out. 5 of them are in ground 4x4x4 holes that I dug up. I used foxfarm soil, the 6th plant is in a smartpot.
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