Hemp Seed Pill Relieves Constipation

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
A study found that hemp seed pill (HSP) relieves a form of constipation know in traditional Chinese medicine as “excessive syndrome,” in which the bowels dry out and cause problems such as dry mouth, abdominal swelling and pain and trouble sleeping. They took 120 people and split them into two groups, one receiving 7.5 grams of HSP in 150 ml of hot water and the other got a placebo, twice a day for 8 weeks. Forty three percent of those taking the HSP reported improvement compared to only eight percent on the placebo. Although stomach pain, cramping and bloating were reported more in the treatment group, those side effects were less severe before they were treated and were similar to those taking the placebo and no damage to the kidneys or liver was observed in those who took HSP.

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: calorielab.com
Copyright: 2010 CalorieLab, Inc.
Contact: Calorie Counter (CalorieLab)
Website: Hemp Seed Pill Relieves Constipation (CalorieLab Lab Notes)
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