Hi from Winnipeg


420 Member
Hey all.

Not a first time pot smoker but new to having it as a medicine.
I was prescribed it for my RLS which if you would've told me 10 years ago that RLS was a thing I would've laughed but here I am.

I hadn't smoked in years but decided I wanted to try it for my RLS as nothing else had worked the way I wanted.

Bought an alair vape pen and it was effective immediately which was a thing of beauty and bliss! Unfortunately it's expensive to buy refills and they last a week at best, not to mention that there are more downsides to the whole brand.

So I'm gonna try making some tincture to refill the cartridges.

I'm amazed at the difference in weed now vs 20 years ago. Now you know what you're getting and what it's going to do to you before you even buy it, beautiful!
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