Hi im Mike from the bible belt


New Member
Hi first time ever writing in this fashion so take it easy on me. I'm 19 and as the title says I grew up in bible thumping country. I started smoking marijuana at 17 my junior year in high school for winter break I visited a buddy and he showed me the magics of Mary Jane. I smoke few and far between till out of high school where I smoke with friends and I am a third (maybe even longer) generation of pot smokers. I am curious on many things in the world of Mary Jane. My views on marijuana are skewed to say the least, but I see what good it can do and maybe even the bad. I want to learn the mechanics the laws the philosophy and become an avid member of the marijuana community.
Re: Hi im Mike from the bible belt.

Welcome to the board , great place to lean and share... I'm sure you've learned from your family a thing or two.

Hi first time ever writing in this fashion so take it easy on me. I'm 19 and as the title says I grew up in bible thumping country. I started smoking marijuana at 17 my junior year in high school for winter break I visited a buddy and he showed me the magics of Mary Jane. I smoke few and far between till out of high school where I smoke with friends and I am a third (maybe even longer) generation of pot smokers. I am curious on many things in the world of Mary Jane. My views on marijuana are skewed to say the least, but I see what good it can do and maybe even the bad. I want to learn the mechanics the laws the philosophy and become an avid member of the marijuana community.
Re: Hi im Mike from the bible belt.

Hi Mike (mjw123),

Just wanted to add an additional welcome to the 420 Magazine site and the community of members that gathers here. I think you'll find the folks that frequent the forums to generally be a warm, welcoming and freely sharing group of folks.

I know you will find this site to simply loaded with information, and I hope that you find at least some of the information you seek.

Be well.
Re: Hi im Mike from the bible belt.

Hi Mike,

May I join the wagon in welcoming you with a warm hello and wishing the best for you in your endeavors. Hey I was 19 once, back in the days when you could hitchhike across country and I did. The nicest people and most generous people we met were from "bible thumping" counties. Of course most people didn't know what the heck to make of us at the time but that's another story.

Take care & :welcome:
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