How do you prep your puff?


420 Member
I thought I'd posted this, but am unable to locate it...

I hope I don't get in trouble for double posting. Mods: Please just delete the other one rather than ban me!


Do you break off pieces of big buds, and drop them whole in a pipe/bong?

Or, do you break off pieces of big buds, grind it up, and light it up in pipe/bong.

Lately, my ‘’script” has been coming in 1/8 oz sealed bags. (They run a bit short, too.)

I like the quick burn of a grind. A friend likes to work on the ‘ember’ on a
solid bud.

Am I better to pull out pieces off bud, and grind them as I use them, or just grind the entire 1/8th all at once, and be done with it.

I use a scale that is sensitive to .00grams, and I ‘dose’ myself between .09 and .11 grams per toke. My goal is .1

I can spoon from grind to .1 better than I can by estimating how much to break off of add. And it is ALL ground up anyway before loading into the bowl.

I generally consume .4 - .6 grams a ‘session’. Which, BTW, could be a couple hours. I sip my coffee, and I take my tokes more like a slow ‘IV’ than a ‘shot’. A little now. A little in ten minutes, a little in another ten minutes…

So, do you flame or do you glow?
Do you chop or do you chunk?

Thank mew!
Shadowcat the Curious
As far as breaking it all up in advance, I think that would adversely effect the product, if not THC it would at least make it not taste as good after far as flame or glow, I smoke blunts so I have to break it up but I wish I could leave it in chunks
Thank mew for the opinion, Stormblessed.

I don't know that aging would be an issue. I leave the vacuum packs sealed, and only open one at a time as needed. They only last a couple days. And I DO keep them covered, albeit not 'sealed'.
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