How to prepair my clones to go under my 400watt lights


New Member
I am new to growing clones. I just picked up a few of them and was wandering how I get them use to my 400 watt halogen lights without burning them. Thanks for the help.
I am new to growing clones. I just picked up a few of them and was wandering how I get them use to my 400 watt halogen lights without burning them. Thanks for the help.
Put them WAY below the lights, probably 36" or so, depending on how established they are. If you provided more specifications on what the clones are in, rooted or not, etc., we could assist more. :goodluck:
they are around 3 inches tall. they are in dirt and they had white roots coming out of the dirt. When I got them home I transplanted them into 5 gal buckets so I could place them in the grow room. I had the light at around 1 1/2 ft from the plants, but one leaf was curling up and turning brown yesterday (I cut that leaf off at the stem(shade leaf)). I then raised the lights to around 3 ft and for the past two days have been shutting the lights off and on from time to time. there was one that was in a cube but it died so I went and got another plant (in dirt) two days ago. I did not understand the guy when he told me to acclimatize the plants. I did not want to leave them in the grow room in just the cub dirt. was afraid if them drying out. So I planted them. I am so new to all of this.
This post will help you more than anything else at this point; it's much faster for you to read and understand -- then when you have questions, we don't have to cover the basics all over again :goodluck:
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