How to Write a Strain Review
With enough planning and thought in the beginning, other patients from all over the world will read your strain review. The more pride and effort you put into your review, the more response, interaction and support you will receive from our members and staff.
First and foremost – TAKE PICTURES! It’s too easy to get caught up sampling a new strain and forget to document what it looked like with a camera for others to see. The ONLY way to show off what you are reviewing is to provide photos! For the best possible pictures with your review, please use the highest resolution available and then resize to 1024x768 for your uploaded photos.
Please make sure to respect our Posting Guidelines by using our Gallery.
Make sure to list the Strain Name in the title of the Review/Post.
Blue Dream
Purple Kush
There are many reviews hosted on 420 Magazine. You increase your potential number of members reading your review when they can immediately determine the strain from your title.
Here is a basic guide for the qualities of a Cannabis strain to consider when sampling and provide in your review for other members to know:
Strain Name - Skywalker OG
From - Zen Healing -- do not use links here without contacting to ensure they are a paid sponsor.
When - 4/20
Price - $420 oz.
Type - Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, Unknown
Appearance - Color, Density, etc.
Smell - Fruity, Pungent, Skunky
Taste - Great, Yummy, Delicious
Type of Buzz - Is it cerebral and spacey or more of a body stone, providing pain relief of muscle or joints?
Length of Buzz - 4 hours and 20 minutes
Best Medicinal Use - Insomnia, appetite enhancement, pain relief, anti-anxiety
Overall - Just what it says – what did you think about the strain? Anything stand out? Get the munchies? Fall asleep? Spend all night philosophizing about the origins of man or laughing with friends? Was the intensified sensory perception better for movies and video games? Tell us about it.
This info will make it much easier for members/patients to find accurate information about the many strains of Cannabis out there today.
EXAMPLE: Purple Fire
Thanks for your support and we look forward to hearing about your favorite strains...
Love and Respect.

With enough planning and thought in the beginning, other patients from all over the world will read your strain review. The more pride and effort you put into your review, the more response, interaction and support you will receive from our members and staff.
First and foremost – TAKE PICTURES! It’s too easy to get caught up sampling a new strain and forget to document what it looked like with a camera for others to see. The ONLY way to show off what you are reviewing is to provide photos! For the best possible pictures with your review, please use the highest resolution available and then resize to 1024x768 for your uploaded photos.
Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
MOBILE GALLERY UPLOADS Step 1: Click "Upload Photos" from the Gallery or Hamburger Navigation Menu. Step 2: Select Photos and SAVE when you're done. Max Size for Gallery Uploads: 20MB per photo and 40 photos per post. Embedding Photo Gallery Images Into A Post Step 1: Open a thread you wish...
Please make sure to respect our Posting Guidelines by using our Gallery.
Make sure to list the Strain Name in the title of the Review/Post.
Blue Dream
Purple Kush
There are many reviews hosted on 420 Magazine. You increase your potential number of members reading your review when they can immediately determine the strain from your title.
Here is a basic guide for the qualities of a Cannabis strain to consider when sampling and provide in your review for other members to know:
Strain Name - Skywalker OG
From - Zen Healing -- do not use links here without contacting to ensure they are a paid sponsor.
When - 4/20
Price - $420 oz.
Type - Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, Unknown
Appearance - Color, Density, etc.
Smell - Fruity, Pungent, Skunky
Taste - Great, Yummy, Delicious
Type of Buzz - Is it cerebral and spacey or more of a body stone, providing pain relief of muscle or joints?
Length of Buzz - 4 hours and 20 minutes
Best Medicinal Use - Insomnia, appetite enhancement, pain relief, anti-anxiety
Overall - Just what it says – what did you think about the strain? Anything stand out? Get the munchies? Fall asleep? Spend all night philosophizing about the origins of man or laughing with friends? Was the intensified sensory perception better for movies and video games? Tell us about it.
This info will make it much easier for members/patients to find accurate information about the many strains of Cannabis out there today.
EXAMPLE: Purple Fire
Thanks for your support and we look forward to hearing about your favorite strains...
Love and Respect.