afew more pics to look at i have to say theres some amazing growth from the Think Different, on my biggest one))) well from what iv seen at early stages and for autoflowers she looks like a pretty nice grower also i noticed on my cheese plant the steam rather then the leaf is drooping u might be able to see in the pic, if not il update soon. and that spider any clues ifs its a threat if so ill seal the place u better and keep things cleaner. then again spiders like clean places:/
there he is.
and my T.D 1 (biggest)
And the other 2 gals...
^^^The first 3 are T.D2 and 2 of the cheese
As u can see theres two real long low stems on the T.D2 and the cheese not far of long steams like the T.D2
And a couple of group ones...
What age are they now indo? im afraid spiders are an issue not at this stage but when she flowers they will web on your buds and if she nests your screwed basically also the drooping stem do you mean she is bending over? or is the stem soft?
emmm today they are 33 days but them pics were taken 2-3 days ago. :O so no spiders, spider clean out tomorrow so shes not drooping over but its 2 'arm' steams (im gonna call them) that are. there due watering tonight or in the morning so thats what she might be missing.Hopefully. Also another 3 Dutch Passion White Widows germinated and planted today. we shall she when they popped
Ohh there a little smaller than mine is it just the one t.d throwing out preflowers all i can see from pics? yeaa leaf droop is normaly over/underwater if it was main stem its lighting either too close/too far my sweet cheese both angled her base and top around 45° when she got too close too light. i wanted to keep a spider in mine to naturaly keep fly levels down but after research and advise learned a bud is a perfect habitat for nests and ruins all bud with webs babies etc, congrats on the beans im just waitin another fastbud open her leaves afte i topped my 2nd fastbud as 1sts coming down soon
do u mean the female pistols by preflowers? i was never to sure what preflowers was hah. if so yea they all have them just abit coverd by leaves in the pics i throw in a ladybird or 2 to get rid of tiny stuff i heard there good for that. very nice. uv a nice mix of plants in ur room going keep up the good work
Just a quick question.. I have Dr. Hornby Grow and Bloom I haven't properly used them before. The gals are on day 36 so ther wont be any natural feed in a few day because the soil only feeds up to 6 weeks. So any advice on when ill give them a first dose, how much and what one will i start with grow or bloom ?? INDO
Yeaa pre flowers are the pistils and little calyxes that appear just before you get buds form or on a male tiny hairless sacks lol plants are looking real healthy im apprehensive with any nutes with the girls they dont like anything i give them so growing just with a nice soil too begin with but if you want too try flower nutes then id start now can give it anytime from getting pistils just use a real small dose and watch your leaves it will show in 24hrs if she doesnt like it but like i said im apprehensive of any nutes with autos they seem too be best without i just keep an eye on leaves if there nice darkish green i no there feeding fine from the soil on the ladybird great at keeping pesky critters at bay any worms you may find help soil with micro nutes and airation also reduce root issues i have a compost heap and regularily add worms too all my pots yeah i have 6strains atm altho 2are for a friend(a bagseed haze photo and 4auto short ryders) but i have a couple of experiments running now too i topped a fastbud seems its right topping autos is a no no but i just took a simple water clone off my sweet cheese hasnt affected mother and to date she is growing so getting interesting im hoping i can grow a nice bud out of otherwise would of been wasted popcorn
yea i think il stay off the nutes for a while, not gonna add any because last time i did she did burn abit form it. yea they seem to be a nice green colour. at the moment iv noticed the tips of the big T.D going pail any idea anyone ?? its could be heat stress couse it gets a bit warm sometimes and the temps very from 17c (lights off) to usually 26-27c but when it get warm it goes to 31-32c and i might not notice this for a couple of hours :/ any help,sujestions or ideas for that one aswell
Yeaa they all seem too be against nutes for some reason lol but the yellowing any pics? is it on a plant you have given nutes too? maybe low nitro so add a ml or 2 nutes see if it rectifies? It shouldnt b temps there pretty tollerant and tell u by curling of the leaf discolaration is norm a nute issue bring it up in reps are right tommorow
thats something to keep in mind for autos no pics right now ill up load some tomorrow. but its shes going more pail green raten then yellow so im guessing shes lacking something, maby 'N' as u said. its the bigest of the 3 plants and has a lot of growth double branches and a lot of bud spots So im thinking she might be eating up all the food ?? il have a closer look 2m and up load some pics
As my fastbud is flowering more her leaves are losing colour on the main fan leaves on lower branches but the budleaves are a nice lush dark green i think its a little rootbound/eating her leaves to feed the bud but its not worrying me she is just avigorous plant
a few pic update. havent been posting ina while not the best again back to using phone cam. One of the T.D is growing up real spiky looking and has small yellowing/brown at the very tips of some leaves, not sure if u can see in the pics .
Group photo and T.D1 which iv but string to hold up the bottom leaves, she used to be alot stumpier and she started growing up around the time i but the string under
The yellowing leave tips on the spiky TD and can see it starting on the other TD and cheese aswel :/ not to sure what it is tho...the only thing i can think of is its something to do with (N)nitrogen or (P)phosphorus lacking, since they are getting older??
Try adding a little nutes and watch see how she goes maybe? As a rule i wouldnt norm feed an auto but if she is lacking something addin a miniscule amount could go a long way but first how dry is the soil if i overwater my cheese her leaves go major yellow and die from roots in standing water and uptaking soil nutes too quick could this be your issue?
Back to the nute situation again yea i think ill just feed one of the T.D's and start of with a half dose of grow and then a half dose of bloom in the next watering day. I dont think its the water problem because my soil and buckets have good drainage and i only water about 100ml a plant every 3-4 days so the watering seems to be ok
anyone kno why one my T.Ds is spiky like that ? il post some clearer photos ina couple days to show the difference. the bud spots look different aswell to the the other TD and Cheese plants. its cool watching these same plants grow different Indo