Input needed for this setup


New Member
New Grow, Need suggestions on set up permalink


I will be doing an indoor grow using the following:

6 x 600 watt HPS ( Sodium Bulbs)
Not sure on reflectors yet
In soil
hand water (open to suggestions)
Indica, Kush plants
The room will be built to any size needed to run 6 x 600 watt system, with area to move around to access all plants.
Room will have full air intake/Out take Carbon Filters,fans, etc........
will be using AC unit from house to tie into

My Question:

How big of a room will I need build to accomoadate 6 x 600 watt lights
How far should the lights be from sidewall to 1st light, how far to next light
I will be using 3 on one side and 3 on the other.
What type of reflectors to use .
Shoul I just hang bulbs with no reflectors.
Would need drainage suggestions.
Size pots ( square,round or crates )
How far apart from each pot.

Future grow will be 10 lbs ( hopefully)
Any idea on an indoor setup of lights should be 1000 watt, how many how big of an area

Any reccomened info is welcomed, and appreciated

I will be supplying a large collective in California, so this will be our 1st small grow and then will expand ASAP.
I am looking forward to sarting a grow journal here on the site, and will update weekly to show complete results for other hobbiest
Sounds like ur new to growing. I strongly advise against a grow that big.. That is an extremely large task that is very time consuming. With large number of plants u can't just water and spend a little time a day with them until ur dialed in, have all the necessary equipment, and experience.
Ditto, start small and safe. 6 - 600's will need an efficient electrical setup to be safe and user friendly. Like BWC said experience is key. A lot of people have ideas and imaginary views of a room full of 4' tall plants with 24" colas on them. No prob, but you have to germ or clone, veg, then flower.
I have 4 different places in my house to accommodate all the work involved in just a few plants. Remember, bags of soil, pots, nutrients. the list goes on and on. This stuff takes up space. Then the oh so picky plants in flower, they need 12 hours of COMPLETE darkness to grow, this will conflict with the vegging plants who want 18 hours of light. If you've got a couple of days, start reading every post here that pertains to ANY question you have, these people are most excellent, and have all the answers. Read, Read Read.
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