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@Ricks Rustic
There are many ways to decarb here are some. I do mine in the oven.
Okay. Maybe this has been asked before, and maybe I just missed it in the last half hour of searching, but I'm wondering if there is a master thread for decarboxylation. I don't mean asking if you should decarb, but rather some collection of knowledge of how - temperature, time, tools, etc. I'm personally super curious about ideal temp and time (I know there's a lot of debate out there, some backed by science). I have two different decarb machines and their manuals each have different tables of ideal temps.
So, what is the consensus? What temp? How long? Oven or machine or does it matter...
Here are some other ways.
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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,
Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.