Interesting 'real science' cannabis tidbits

oh,, is it not interesting all the cannabis news and information in the media these days,, already,, now that the subject is not so taboo in canada,, so quickly

anyway,, a couple of tidbits of real actual cannabis science that passed in front of my eyes in the last couple days..

actually, an article explaining that growing cannabis is not as easy as one might imagine,, so true as 'we' all know

two points,,

the value in water stressing the plants 'in flower' and how the cannibinoids improve with water stress,, meaning longer inbetween watering,,

it even states leaf structure signs, as in let the leafs droop to 50% of their normal angle in between some or all watering

detailed science,, love it,,

point two,,

the need to nearly eliminate fertilizers when flowering

yep,, real science, or so i read online where there is no illusions, anywhere

very interesting,,
heya stoner,, cheerrs friend

ok,, let me explain a bit why i am changing my watering routine,, a bit

the article in question was written by a research proffessor at the university of i cant remember,, but a major canadian university,, where they have been doing federally funded cannabis research for a long time,, medical weed has been around for a long time now and lots of research has been done,,

it just could not be talked about, cuz, weed was illegal,,

this was as simple article, for the cannabis rookie, perhaps thinking of growing some, cuz we all know how easy it is to grow

the article pointed out five simple tips for better growing,,

the usual light importance, the need for a light period change to induce flowering,, one other and the two i pointed out,, the near need for no ferts in flowering,, which i am not sure about yet,,

and the water stressing in flower,, and how it helps with cannabinoid potency and abundance

even to the point of describing how the leaves should wilt, 50% sag

so,,yes,, i am going to adjust my watering in flower a bit,, not quite as hasty to water now,, tho waiting for sag is tough,, so time will tell how much i adjust

like you,, in veg i water by pot weight, but i wait till it is bone dry to water again,, then i water very thoroughly,, as i bet you do too,,

cheers stoner,,

to put it simply,, for simpleton me,,

before i was reluctant to let my plants in flower run out of water,, now, not so much
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