Is It Too Early For Me To FIM?! - Topping - Please take a look


New Member

I want to keep my plant small and I need to know if it's to soon to fim, or when I can fim it. I was also wondering if I should fill the rest of my pot up with soil and if so should I fill it past (covering) the bottom two dying leafs that are next to the seed membrane or should I let those poke out . Please leave a comment and let me know what you thing and any other advice is always helpful.

Re: IS IT TOO EARLY FOR ME TO FIM???!(topping) pleases take a look

It's still in the vegistative stage but I see little whit hairs on it so I'm hoping its female.
It's Not To Early To Top, But If You Do....

I want to keep my plant small and I need to know if it's to soon to fim, or when I can fim it. I was also wondering if I should fill the rest of my pot up with soil and if so should I fill it past (covering) the bottom two dying leafs that are next to the seed membrane or should I let those poke out . Please leave a comment and let me know what you thing and any other advice is always helpful.


Hey brother,

It's not too early for you top the the plant, but if you do, you will shift the way the plant grows!
I top this early for that specific reason.
When you top this early, all of the smaller leaves that you see along the main stem will grow into pretty much equally dominant main colas. So if you top now, you will grow a shorter plant with 6 relatively equally dominant colas, unless you top those 6 again, which will result in 12 smaller bud sites, as each place you top, will subsequently grow back two new bud sites.

In regards to the F.I.M cut, I wouldn't suggest it.
I did it my very first time growing and haven't done it again since. I FIM'd after my plants had grown 5/6 nodes, as that was what others suggested I do at the time.
It creates a really bushy plant indeed, but the result it really unpredictable, and if you don't get the cut PERFECT, you'll know where you FIM'd the plant just by looking at it for the rest of the grow, because the leaves that grow at the spot of the FIM cut will be slightly deformed.

In regards to transplanting, it's ok to pot up to the cotyledons, or the starter leaves that you see dying!
Don't go past that tho!

Your baby is looking good!

:peace: & Blessings.
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