Is this 10 gal ok for big plant?


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Sup 420

I'm about to start my WW x BB and was thinking of using the tote you see in pic. I have a small space using a 32×32×63 inch tent. I'm only doing one for now so I will be putting it in the center using a 3" or 4" net pot.
I know a lot of people use the taller ones, but I'm trying to stay as low as possible do to my small spacing.
I'm trying to do a lot like monster cropping and topping, alone with lollypopping the bottom. I know as far as height wise, its a tight space for the roots to hang, but will they be fine when they spread out? And also, will performing all these techniques work?
I'm really trying to utilize the small space I have, and getting the most out of it. If anyone has any experience or suggestions on using the tote in the pic, I'm all ears. Thanks in advance✌
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