Jays 3rd Grow - Indoor - LED - Soil - Multi-Strain Journal

My current grow I have one plant that is really bushy. I've been pulling a handful of leaves off of her for weeks and the next day she is full of leaves again. I may have a big batch of leaves for oil at the end of this.
My current grow I have one plant that is really bushy. I've been pulling a handful of leaves off of her for weeks and the next day she is full of leaves again. I may have a big batch of leaves for oil at the end of this.

Yeah your girls have some serious growth to say the least!! They look awesome, makes we want to give autos a try.
Day 17 of flower and the girls are happy happy happy! I watered last night with quarter strength nutes, it was a few days earlier than I needed and I only gave them a little more than a liter. They seems to love the extra feeding so I think I may add a small feed in between full strength.

Looking good. A couple inches since Friday are a good sign that she is stretching. Mine is currently stretching 1.5-2" a day.

Measured again last night and she was just above 18"... getting close to having to bend her over! I will wait another week to see if she slows down before I do.
I had a couple tall branches and did my first super cropping. I have to admit I was nervous never having done it before. I slowly bent slightly back and forth until it was flexible and then slowly bent it down to a 90 degree angle. After 2 days it has really done well and the lower shoots have taken off -

I had a couple tall branches and did my first super cropping. I have to admit I was nervous never having done it before. I slowly bent slightly back and forth until it was flexible and then slowly bent it down to a 90 degree angle. After 2 days it has really done well and the lower shoots have taken off -

I was scared at first time as well but it seems if done nicely they recover fast and pretty well. I had bend 5 tops that were too high and right now it s like I can't bend at the same position anymore because of how stronger the bent part has strengthened (does this word exist lol?). They recovered too well so I was forced to put my light a bit upper
Thanks for the support. The incredible knowledge I gain daily is indispensable. I think the key to super cropping is to go slow and gentle.

Jay - sorry to have hijacked your thread.
Today marks 3 weeks post flip and the Papaya has finally started showing some pistils. That just leaves Aurora P and Jock A still not showing signs of flowering. I read that marijuana won’t flower until it is around 3 weeks old, Aurora P is now there so I am hoping to see something soon. Jock A is only 9 days into flower and she is getting taller.

All the other girls are doing great and conditions have been perfect. Getting rain most this week and the cooler day time temps have helped keep my garage cool.

I fed today at full strength on week 3 flowering nutes. Ran almost a gallon through each pot with a good amount of run off.

Well Jay

In no time you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor. The girls are sure looking great.

Keep building that Frost.

Thanks man the Frisian Dew is said to finish in 7-8 weeks so I’m almost half way. Can’t wait to see some frosty buds!
Thanks Troy, I’m really excited about this grow. The girls are taking on awesome shapes with each showing distinct characteristics, the variety is awesome!

The Aurora P is finally showing a few pre flowers with pistils. She is about 3 1/2 weeks old and right on track for sprouting right into flower.

I need to post some pics of all the girls but think I’ll wait till they hit week 4 on Wednesday. For now here is the Dew praying to the lights above :hug::ganjamon:
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