Just for laughs

I laughed.

But, ironically, I just asked a handy web-search engine, "Can dogs eat chocolate?" The results I got indicated that chocolate is poisonous to dogs (due to the theobromine content), that a little bit will probably only cause an upset stomach along with vomiting or diarrhea - but that a larger amount can produce muscle tremors, seizures, an irregular heartbeat, internal bleeding or a heart attack. Also that the onset of this type of poisoning often initially presents itself as severe hyperactivity.

I just figured I'd post that in case anyone saw your graphic and thought it might be a good idea to give edibles that might contain chocolate to one of their pets.

BtW, I read that dark chocolate contains more of that ingredient - and that less than one ounce of dark chocolate can poison a 44-pound dog.

With that being said, again, I did laugh when I saw the image you posted. My pet (considering the year as a whole) probably eats better and more regularly than I do, lol, so the thought of it then "capturing" MY food...

Right now, she appears to be "under the weather," so she's not especially interested in eating. So I put food down for her, tell her to "get something to eat," she'll take a bite, then stop and wait for me to pet her, purr a bit (it's a cat), then I again say, "Get something to eat," she eats another bite, waits for me, et cetera. It's a bit of a... process, to be honest - and takes 3x the amount of time it takes me to enter the kitchen, warm up some random item for myself, and consume it. <SHRUGS> But what can you do, lol? It sure beats that nutrient paste that comes in a tube like toothpaste that one has to put on their finger and more or less rub in the pet's mouth, and I'd probably have to sell blood to afford the stuff. I suppose that'll be next <SIGH>.
LMAO indeed. I wish I'd managed to get a picture the time my largest cat ever (not fat, just... large and muscular) jumped up on the counter and grabbed my lit Kool out of the ashtray by the filter with his mouth and took off. Then, again, 100 million f*cktards would probably be up in arms about how I was cruelly forcing pets to smoke :rolleyes: . But - after the obligatory few seconds during which we just looked at each other with our jaws dropped - we were more interested in getting the cigarette away from the cat before it dropped it on its own somewhere. Never figured out why he (the cat) did that. Only happened once.
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