Just want to bloom


New Member
High to everyone out there, my name is Rose. I am an older woman who has had mulitple issues of trama and physical illness. After two years of advocating for medical mj. I finally have success, a prescription to use this wonder weed. I can use, I can abuse if I want to. At this point I just want to move my body nevermind trip out. Always trying to be practical.
I am currently experimenting with oils and extracts for my condition and have noticeable relief and improvement.
However this therapy is not inexpensive no matter where you get your product from and many people using are elderly on fixed income. We need DIN number in Canada before anyone will cover the drug and this has not happened yet.
Still progress moves forward and the right to use this plant will develop as more research is done. I am very transparent about the use of this medicine and will speak out every opportunity I get.
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