KGBs Multi-Strain Manifold

Hey Mitt,
Thanks for stopping by .
4 tents, three 4'w x4'd x6.5'h. One for veg and two for flower at the moment.
Also one 2'w x 2'd x 3'h that once held some bonsai mamas I was keeping. At the moment it has some Darkstar that's a little over 3wks from flip.

A 4th 4'x4' may eventually join the fun :) We'll see how the grow grows .

Hope you're doing well!
Once the 4th 4x4 gets in there I'd like to have one for veg and three for flower. Flipping a new batch to flower every 3-5 weeks. This will be the beginning of my perpetual grow
Not as bad as you might think ;) Up till now I've only had to water the big tents about every 7-8 days. The girls that are in flower are starting to pick up the pace a bit, last gap was only 5 days. The little tent is the most work right now, going through 1/2 gal every 24 hours or so. She's in a 3gal fabric pot that I cut the top 3" off of to get it low and wide. Although, if I do this again in there, I'm thinking of getting a Mini Bag Bed for the pot. It is 24 Inch wide x 8 Inch tall, holds 2.1 cubic feet of soil or other planting mix and should fit perfect in the bottom of that tent. Might trim a couple inches off the top to keep things a little lower. She's also in FFOF, well past 4-6wks, and so requires nutes also.

Keep a bit of thought towards that second tent, I'm sure you can imagine/visualize/feel it being where you want it, and I'm sure you'll have it before too long.

What you think, what you feel, and what manifests is always a match.. Every single time, no exceptions.

.KGBs Multi-strain Manifold.
KGBs Multi-Strain Manifold
420magazine mobile app
Hello again :)
Sorry for the delayed update. Here they are on the 2-28(one week from flip). Pistils have shown and looks like there may be a bit of frost on the WW already .

Here is the Mixed tent...
Howdy folks .
Update for week 2 from flip. In the WW tent...

In the mixed tent...

The Black Destroyer...
I'm pretty sure this is the Exodus Cheese....

It was a quick photo shoot and I'm not sure where everyone wound up. The Green Crack pics completely disappeared . I'll get some shots tomorrow and give you a better who's who update. Also decided to get the Sunset Sherbet and Forum Cut ready for flowering. Took the 300w panel out of the veg tent and moved the 1800w panel in. Starting out at 1000w...
I'll get a net in there sometime this week and spread them out a bit.
Ill be posting regular updates of their progress in my new perpetual journal(down in my sig.). Hope you're all doing great! Thanks for checkin' in!

What you think, what you feel, and what manifests is always a match.. Every single time, no exceptions.

.KGBs Multi-strain Manifold.
KGBs Multi-Strain Manifold
.KGBs Perpetual Pilgrimage to Ganja Town!.
KGBs Perpetual Pilgrimage To Ganja Town! Countless Strains! LEDs! 1800w COB! 4x4 Tent

420magazine mobile app
Everything looks outstanding! I see a COB light there. How long have you had it ? How has it treated you ?
Thanks PTSD! The COB I've had for a little over a year now. Actually managed to complete one whole grow with it so far. This was my second grow, set up with both tents running 1800w...
The tent with the COB produced about 11oz, dry weight. I think it could have been more. I feel like everything should have gone another week or so. Total harvest from both tents was a bit under 24oz dry...
Inexperience and impatience got the better of me.

Then I tried going big, with one plant. Decided I was gonna go for a 16 top manifold, popped an HSO Blue Dream, got the fattest pot I could fit in my tent and went for it. Here she is, just about to be transplanted from her 1L air pot into her new home. A 36 Inch wide x 12 Inch tall fabric pot that holds 5.9 cubic feet of soil...
Maybe it was a bit much., though I might try again sometime.I think it would make a great pot for a scrog.Here she is just after her last topping...
careful if you use a razor for topping! An 1/8 of an inch to far and your 16 top becomes a 15 top, oops! She was doing really well and I was in for a nice harvest...
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to chop her at almost 7weeks. Far too early! I wound up with about 7oz of dry fluff☹️ Was actually pretty stony and made for nice joint material.
The COB made it through the veg of my last grow when, unbeknownst to me, a fan power supply went out and 4 of the fans stooped. I didn't notice till the light changed from one of the COB chips burning out. Two others were half burnt as well. The company quickly sent me replacement parts and I have made the repairs. Since everything was already set up and growing I hadn't gotten it back up till now. The Forum Cut and Sunset Sherbet are just screaming at me to be flowered, so I decided to get it back in the action. We'll see how it does. Maybe I can get through another complete flowering cycle with it.

Looking great KGB!
Two weeks....let the bud building begin! :thumb:

What's the stretch been like so far?

Hey Mitt, Thank you!
It's nice when they really start developing.
The stretch isn't too much. They were about 3" above the screen when I flipped and they're just about 9" above now. Honestly I wouldn't mind a bit more stretch. The way I hang my lights allows for a ton of height. I try to keep them as low profile as possible...
With this light all the way up, from floor to bottom of the light, I have 63". As a last resort, if things were getting way out of hand, I can remove the pulley and carabiners then slide the strap(cables for the 600w) over the bar to get another 6-7 inches. I'm thinking of letting them get a bit taller next time. Your "bud building" made think of "back building". Ever heard of it? Apparently you snip off the tiniest tip of your colas and it causes all of your lower buds to start fattening up. Grebs had some noticeable results. I'm going to look into it a bit more and probably give it a go. If it'll make those ladies a little plumper, why not give it a shot.

Thanks, again, both of you for the kind words! Hope you're doing great! Thanks for checkin' in!
Hey Grebs✌️
I thought I had seen in your journal you mentioned back building at about 5 weeks from flip. Was going to double check with you on that. Thanks for chiming in. I imagine this would kinda be depend on your expected flowering time. If you're running a strain that will go 12-13 weeks, you might wait a bit longer What do you think?
Wow....sorry to hear about your monster plant. That must have hurt a bit.

I've never heard of back building. At what point would one do the last few weeks?

Thanks Mitt!
It hurt :( Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Even if it hurts! For the back building... Not sure if you saw the post from Grebs, but you would do this approximately 5-6 weeks into flower. Maybe later, depending on your strain. I need to do a bit more research .
Thanks Mitt!
It hurt :( Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Even if it hurts! For the back building... Not sure if you saw the post from Grebs, but you would do this approximately 5-6 weeks into flower. Maybe later, depending on your strain. I need to do a bit more research .

Thanks buddy
I did a bit of research on it. I will likely give it a try on my current least on some of the cola's. It'd be nice to see a comparison.
Update. Week 3 from flip.
White Widow tent..
Number three seems to have the most frost so far. might turn out to be the most dense as well.

Mixed tent...
The Black Destroyer
The Exodus Cheese...
The Green Crack...
Green Crack is definitely the frostiest of this tent. Also, of the lower branches that I've been spraying with colloidal silver, it is the first to show male pollen balls .

Alrighty folks ;) Thanks for stoppin' by. Hope you've enjoyed your visit and that you're all doing great! Be sure to tune in next week!
Same Ganja time!
Same Ganja channel!.
Looking great KGB! They're starting to put on some muscle and the canopy is very nice!

Can you explain to me what's going on in the mixed tent....with colloidal and pollen sacks?

Thanks Mitt!
When you spray a female plant with colloidal silver during the first weeks of flower it will "reverse" and begin to grow male pollen balls. Don't ask me why. Only the part of the plant you spray is affected. The pollen you collect will be female pollen. Using this to pollinate a female plant will create feminized seeds . I think some Green Widow sounds good too, maybe ;) I have a bit more info about this and will be following this aspect of my grow a little closer in my perpetual journal down in my signature .

KGBs Perpetual Pilgrimage To Ganja Town! Countless Strains! LEDs! 1800w COB! 4x4 Tent
I don't get them any closer than about 15" or so. Any closer and the leaves get a bit droopy. In the WW tent it's at 16" above my tallest cola. In the mixed tent it's at 17". I set them about 19-20" up, then let the plants get to 15-16" and adjust again. It seems there's a sweet spot you can find, when all your leaves are lifted and reaching for the light. In what I believe is called full transpiration mode. When your plant is processing nutrients and photosynthesizing at its best. Lights, RH, temp and airflow(circulation) all affect this process. I try and adjust things until my plants show that "sweet spot" look, then try and keep the conditions like that. Hope this helps! Also, you had asked what type of lights I use. Seems like nobody minds if you say what you're using as long as you're not trying to promote them. So, all of my lights are made by Galaxyhydro. They have some nice lights. Some available on Amazon, and some only available on their site. I'll send you a link to their site via PM.
Just a quick photo update. They are 4 weeks from flip today. Here is the White Widow tent...

Mixed tent...
Black Destroyer...
Exodus Cheese...
Green Crack...

That's that! Short & to the point. Hope you all have a great night!(or day for some.)
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