Cloning... It seems difficult at first. I guess it depends on what you like and need. For me it was a little trial and error.
I tried bubble cloners:
I didn't like them to much. Why? Too many parts. Too many things get dirty and after getting roots I had to transplant to soil which for me didn't go so well. It is still very viable way to do it.
Considering I grow in soil:
It has been easier for me to just clone in soil.
It all comes down to what you like and what you have success at. I just recently took 4 clones in soil and had 100% success. So for me soil works great. For you... to be determined. But I suggest doing whatever works for you.
How to clone:
I would do some searches for cloning and watch a few videos.
*I basically cut a 45 degree angle, dunk it in a cup of water straight from my facet (yep... it has chlorine in it). You want at least one node
(2 nodes are what most people do) **I only used one node on the 4 clones I recently took and had no problems** You trim the nodes as close to the plant as you can, dip some cheap cloning powder on, and then put it into your medium (soil? bubble cloner? mist sprayer?). I use a seed starter soil "Epsoma organic seed starter". I like to use a humidity dome. I may spray water on the inside of the dome a couple of times (2 to 3 times) during the first 10 days. I take the dome off after 10 days and see if they wilt. If they wilt I put the dome back on and check them again the next day, wash and repeat.
You can even clone without cloning powder. It just takes longer. Up to 15 days and even 20 days sometimes.
The easiest way would be to use peat pellets. I like peat pellets because they aren't very messy.