Landrace Genetics 101

I feel it is related to these old sativa lines so I will include a bit of talk on C-99. This gives a lot of the effects I have been looking for in the heirlooms with easy growing and good potency in the genes as opposed to heirlooms where you have to select a few or many to get there. 44 days of flower with little stretch. Does not get easier.

Positive high with a disconnected feel to it while being functional. Feels like you got shot out into space a few million miles. But you have control of the spaceship. No crash or tiredness after which is gold in itself.

I went with Joey Weed version to be safe as his are f2's, but many out there and Bros Grimm is making it again though the parents might not be exactly the same as the original. C-99 is haze dominate in effect. Colombian, Thai, Acapulco Gold, maybe Indian in there. Haze has a dim history with many versions of the story and lines bred into it.
Foxtails like Don King.

The big-mouth promoter douche that's been sued by almost every boxer that he ever "represented" and who went to prison for stomping one of his employees to death because... IDK, because he felt like it? Why would anything like him, lol?
PURPLE ZACATECAS 1 week outddoors 008.JPG
PURPLE ZACATECAS 1 week outddoors 011.JPG

Looking a bit promising
I love how uniform they are.

Thank you Pennywise
One of my beefs with todays seed companies is that when you buy a pack of seeds, for good money non the less and some so called reputable breeders, and nothing looks at all like the description or the pics and growth is all over the map.
I would not releaese that kind o material.
I feel like I am in the same boat but am not 100% sure I know what I am doing. @tropics could you please elaborate a bit on the whole breeding process, or at least these beginning parts?

Booy! that could take a whole book, but best to start with finding something unique AND not to polyhibreded [not a real word], to death.
Honestly no sales pitch!
If you were start with one of my hybrids'
you could start by simply f1 and select f2 and select f3 and select and so on.
The reason I say my genetics is because my genetics are F1 of two very stable IBL [In bred lines] so not to much genetic muddling and I would say by f5 you should have something very desireable and just yours! Through your selection of desireable traits.
If you are looking for something totally different like Indica, try to find as close to IBL as possible and follow same steps.
The Xmas Bud was grown for years by a guy on the east coast, he's up there in age and couldn't grow outdoors any longer. He gave his seed stock from an open pollination to a friend and told him to give them away to people who would preserve the genetics. I got mine from an open pollination done by Nspecta at CSI Humboldt. So what I intend to do starting with my next run is a directional preservation. Xmas Bud is thought to be a pure Afghani with very strong pine terps. The pine terps is what everyone remembers about XB so that's what I want to select and preserve. Just have to find the right parental plants to begin my project. @tropics
The Xmas Bud was grown for years by a guy on the east coast, he's up there in age and couldn't grow outdoors any longer. He gave his seed stock from an open pollination to a friend and told him to give them away to people who would preserve the genetics. I got mine from an open pollination done by Nspecta at CSI Humboldt. So what I intend to do starting with my next run is a directional preservation. Xmas Bud is thought to be a pure Afghani with very strong pine terps. The pine terps is what everyone remembers about XB so that's what I want to select and preserve. Just have to find the right parental plants to begin my project. @tropics

Well that sounds like an awesome project!
Preserving as many landraces and IBLs is essential in my book, I was just listening to a youtube
interview with Kagyu of Ocean Seeds, and he states, that some of the best medicines are going to come out of these strains , and I have to say I agree!
Also with all the poly hybrid mash going on, cannabis is severely threatened with just plain sameness/boring. And enlightened breeders are going to be back looking for fresh blood so to speak. And hopefully will be there.
This is already happening in he food crop production industry, unfortunately some one came up with the brilliant idea of GMO!
I have a ton of gear from Ace and Cannabiogen I need to get busy running. Also picked up 72 Colombian Gold from Snow High recently. Right now I'm looking at Hash plants coming out of Afghanistan, Nepal and India. Need to decide where I want to start with those landraces, so many different Hash plants to look at.
I have a ton of gear from Ace and Cannabiogen I need to get busy running. Also picked up 72 Colombian Gold from Snow High recently. Right now I'm looking at Hash plants coming out of Afghanistan, Nepal and India. Need to decide where I want to start with those landraces, so many different Hash plants to look at.
Very cooll!
A very nice Indica said to be pure Afghani is Williams Wonder by Sick Meds SEEDS sold by SEEDSMAN
I think they used Williams Wonder in some of the first auto flowers that were brought to market. I have Tom Hills Deep Chunk from Hazeman that is supposed to be pure Afghan.
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