Last week flowering tips?


Well-Known Member
The final few days for myself! Was just wondering if anyone had any tips for the last week? Light intensity lower? Less hours? Freezing cold flush water? Any help would be appreciated thanks!
The final few days for myself! Was just wondering if anyone had any tips for the last week? Light intensity lower? Less hours? Freezing cold flush water? Any help would be appreciated thanks!
Hey @hazeluv69 congrats on your upcoming harvest.
Tword the end of flower I cut my ppms down.
As they finish they don't eat as much.
By then I've cut nitrogen out and am feeding lots of (k) potassium.
Light intensity is at max by then.
Temps below 28c or 80f , rh below 55. Lots of air flow.
Feed right until you turn your lights out for 24-36 hrs pre harvest.
Stay safe.
48hrs pure dark before the chop to bring out more trichs. A more brutal but used one is also to use pliers to take a chunk put of the stem like an animal bite would leave , this can force her to boost her oils production to repair and repel further feeding from her . Sounds nuts but very true. You can even use a sharp knife through the stem and as you remove the knife replace it with a chopstick/wooden splinter to separate the two damaged pieces and stop them re-binding. This is a very old method but effective too.
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