New Member

Last week a set of leafs fell of (the second that are not fan leaves) and I don't know if I didn't notice this leaf yellowing yesterday but I checked it today and now it's pretty much completely yellow. I know my soil is wet because I literally just watered it because the soil was dry about an inch deep and it was ready for a wattering.
I also noticed that that leaf doesn't get that much light (Will leafs simply die off from not getting light?)
And I'm wondering if that's why only one leaf is yellow and the other one isn't. I rotated the plant so it's getting some light now but I don't know if it will recover.
Is it n-deficient, I'm using fox farm ocean forest and I'm told it already has some nutes and I put a tiny bit of nutes in the water today
So is there anything I can do, do leafs die off from lack of light? What do I do to prevent further leafs from dying?