LeafLady's Soilless Blueberry Jack Grow Journal - 2011

Hi Leaflady thought I would check out your latest grow. IMPRESSIVE setup. You have some major bucks spent there. You really take pride in your setup. But by i bet that is a !@#$ to clean all that after each grow lol!! I have to have everything gerry rigged as my wife will not ley me make any changes after she caught me cutting threw the floor to open it up to air from the crawl space. She was not amused. I cant see what the prblem is it fixed my temp problem. ha!ha! not he still have the knot on my head. Anyway i am in for the long haul
Hi Leaflady thought I would check out your latest grow. IMPRESSIVE setup. You have some major bucks spent there. You really take pride in your setup. But by i bet that is a !@#$ to clean all that after each grow lol!! I have to have everything gerry rigged as my wife will not ley me make any changes after she caught me cutting threw the floor to open it up to air from the crawl space. She was not amused. I cant see what the prblem is it fixed my temp problem. ha!ha! not he still have the knot on my head. Anyway i am in for the long haul

Hey thanks Twinkie! Haha great story! Our room only cost $1000 from lights to nails.
This room isn't actually that hard to clean, after all it's just a framed in corner of a room. Just a pain in the @$$ to water the plants really..:thankyou:
Week 5.5 Flower bud porn.


Cola City!
Oh no! My partner called me today when I was at my local hydro shop to tell me that one of our lights is dead. Goodthing I was at a good location.

These things smell like Jack. Piney stank. :high-five:
LeafLady said:
Oh no! My partner called me today when I was at my local hydro shop to tell me that one of our lights is dead. Goodthing I was at a good location.

These things smell like Jack. Piney stank. :high-five:

Sucks about the light going dead but good luck about already being at the hydro store :-) I love spending time at my store. Always learn something new!! Plants are lookin nice!! Light is still out in pic where you able to get it running?
Sucks about the light going dead but good luck about already being at the hydro store :-) I love spending time at my store. Always learn something new!! Plants are lookin nice!! Light is still out in pic where you able to get it running?

Good thing about our local hydro store is they give us a nice discount since we grow with their favorite dispensary. :)

Light is already up and running..$50 later:Namaste:
Good thing about our local hydro store is they give us a nice discount since we grow for their favorite dispensary. :)

Light is already up and running..$50 later:Namaste:

That's pretty sweet!! I just go in enough I get 30% discount... also always promised I would bring in some of my harvest for them... made good with my first harvest so the discount continues for the second :-)
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