LED Lighting


New Member
I want to replace my 1000w MH and 1000w HPS lighting with LED Lights, looking for some advice on what brands and models to use, 3 x 5' x 5' tents used. 1 for veg and 2 for flower at different stages. Is there an all in one LED light that enables you to veg and flower or is it better to buy separately.
I recommend visiting the LED section of our store: LED Grow Lights for Indoor Grow Rooms and Greenhouses

We have a wide variety of sizes and brands to choose from. Including one of the sponsors, Lush.

Are you switching to LED because of electricity usage? Just curious to try a different lighting method?

I've yet to see someone replace an LED with a 1000w and get the same yields. Not saying it's impossible, in fact I look forward to it. However, it is just not something I've seen or experienced. Something to keep in mind as you make this switch.

I would shoot for a 600w - 800w LED to replace a 1000w
Thanks for the reply, I am keen to try out LED lighting for something new, I have also read that LED lights put out way less heat which is what I'm looking for.The power saving and long life you get out of the LED lights is a great thing. But in saying that I've had great success over the years with my 1000w lights and don't want to compromise on my yields due to poor lighting purchases.
Has anyone used the LED lights from Top LED Grow Light, I'm looking for feedback on their Mars II 1200w/1600w or their Reflector LED Grow Light 192x3w
Hey all, thanks for the posts, I am really struggling to find any post/forums which lean toward a serious grower actually using any of the TOP LED 1200w'ers or the 1600w'ers. I am very interested due to the claims of less heat output, lifespan and power savings. There has to be someone that's used these lights ?
Thanks for the lead GROUND CONTROL...
I look forward to using some of these lights
On another note I've also heard that whilst growing under LED's you need to use less nutrients? I run a recirculating system in perlite as a grow medium normally and intend to under my LED's when the time comes, my make up water comes from a reverse osmosis unit so there is basically zero salts in the water prior to adding nutrients which obviously allows you to saturate the water with what is right. I normally run the pump for 15mins every 1.5 hrs. I just can't see that this would differ under LED's as would the nutrient levels , I normally run around 1600 ppm to 1700 ppm TDS for adult plants. Any thoughts on LED's and nutrients .
One thing I have learned so far is that the distance away from the plants affects growth tremendously.
SmokeSara From TOPLED had a sheet showing distances to use...it say veg stage 1.5 to 2ft away..flowering 2.5 3ft away (I believe)
but ive had a lot of slowgrowth. Keeping my lights at 1.5 ft away. I finally moved my lite to about 30 inches away and now Im getting growth.
just an FYI
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